My comment over at Newsbusters was a little too lengthy I must admit but I get so carried away with these libs many times watching what they are doing to our country at every opportunity I get angry.Ben Affleck Goes on Vulgar Tirade About Cowardly [Bleeping] Democrats Caving on Iraq "If you had any questions about how antiwar liberals were going to respond when the Democrats didn’t withdraw American troops from Iraq like they promised during the 2006 campaign, you got your answers last night on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher.”
When the host moved the discussion to what the panel thought of “the Democrats, you know, caving in on this Iraq spending bill,” actor Ben Affleck went on a tirade about these “f***ing people,” saying that the “Democrats live in fear of basically, you know, being called cowards” and of “looking like p***ies.”"
If they had their way we'd all be rolling around in the fields naked having drug and alcohol induced orgies with anybody and everything imaginable all day every day while singing a modern day profanity laced ghetto rap version of Kum-Bah Yah in between Bong hits and crack laced spleefs.
Ahhh, Utopia..... Dem style!!
My Comment :These dems and liberals have been very successful in lowering accepted standards of anything and everything in the US, be it the language used in everyday person to person communications to filthy low rent entertainment whether it be music or movies or anything they produce.
They've turned our once proud stellar country into a swirling cesspool of filth and I am very far from a prude as you can witness on my blog any day of the week and can slime it up with the best of them, be it Ben Affleck or RosieSaurus O'Donnell believe you me.
However there was a day when civility in public and even in private for those with any character was the norm, and that time and day has sadly long disappeared. Thanks to them and their creative bankruptcy the US has become by far the number one exporter of low class ghetto type behavior that pervades our entire society from top to bottom.
This type of vocabulary used to be associated with ignorance and low class but now eminates from a group of peoples that somehow claim to be the social and intellectual elite of this country!!!
This has become a real embarrassment for the millions of people in this country that still give a da** about decorum which they obviously don't . This problem is only getting worse and worse with each minute and is a sad statement for the future of this country as we visitors to this site and room at least seem to know very well.
However he is right about one thing, the Democratic politicians are indeed cowards and the left constituency got played like fiddles in the last election backing these spineless traitors. It would be da** funny except sadly we now all suffer for this with a congress that cannot even get out of their own way and George Bush has crushed like bugs so far...lololol
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