> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: This Is Worth a Few Laughs

Today's world headlines

Thursday, April 5, 2007

This Is Worth a Few Laughs

Marine Opposed to War Ordered Discharged:
My Way News - "SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) - A Marine lance corporal who said he had an aversion to killing and participating in war must be released from the military as a conscientious objector, a federal judge ruled.

The Marine Corps Reserves must discharge Robert Zabala, 23, by mid-April, under the ruling.

Zabala said he was troubled during boot camp in 2003 when a fellow recruit committed suicide and a superior used profanities to belittle the recruit..........
I can hear him now, ...."Oh mister meany Sergeant, please don't swear at us...boo hoo, we're just sensitive new recruits. We thought we might be able to make friends with the sand monkeys like Nancy Pelosi and Jack Murtha do, instead of killing them !
Zabala said he was 'abhorred by the blood lust (the superior) seemed to possess,' according to a 2006 court petition for conscientious-objector status.".........
Just what does this MoMo along with the rest of the make love not war crowd think happens in the Military, I would like to see an in depth study on the psyche of these specific individuals who join the military for what motivation. Do they actually think that Stripes is an official training and recruiting movie? Where in the hell do these nimrods crawl from out under?

As for too much blood lust, I don't know about you all, but I prefer our military members and their commanders have some interest in wiping out the enemies of our country in a war as opposed to the don't ask don't tell people who are hoping to make new friends while on the battlefield.
Another boot camp instructor showed recruits a "motivational clip" showing Iraqi corpses, explosions, gun fights and rockets set to a heavy metal song that included the lyrics, "Let the bodies hit the floor," the petition said. Zabala said he cried, while other recruits nodded their heads in time with the beat.
I personally think that this particular charge is so pathetic that it is damn funny. I think before he is discharged from the service he should be given a red hot animal house style CODE RED getting punished a bit just for being so stupid and wussified if anything. As for the future of this story my educated guess is that he's more a liar and skilled perjurer willing to make himself look completely useless in the eyes of all just to get out of the military.

Once he found out it wasn't a free ride to college that he thought it would be as he and his little left wing buddies looked at enlistment as a way to get college funds without having to provide anything in return or what they thought was a fun way to see the world and meet other homosexuals just like themselves.

They have such disdain for the services that they all sit around and say amongst themselves prior to joining , "how a hard can it be?, if these warmongers can do it then I can do it too. or even worse fully intending all along to quit and disrupt the system hoping to be the recipient of some type of lawsuit as a result.

Well, instead it looks as if it's back to the bathhouse after all for you and your buddies.

Don't ask don't tell.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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