Brother Barack Obama might be a slick well spoken black man etc, etc, BUT the only thing he may be the second coming of (and is nothing more than) just another slick talking, full of sh*& lying & cheating politician. He damn well sure isn't the second coming or Modern Day version of Christ or anything near that plane of existence, of that we can be sure.
When ridiculous comparisons like these are made and tossed about no wonder these people from Hollywood and celebrity-like politico's like Obama think they are indeed Gods to these pathetic masses that trail them around providing such ego fluffing crap to them like this story.
In Chicago over the past weekend arose the public funded Chicago Art Institute and their mostly left wing students creating and displaying 'art" portraying brother 'Bama as Jesus Christ. Again the double standard that it's ok for artists to dress up & portray Jesus as anyone or anything under the sun, be it from the disgusting piss christ of the past to now comparing Christ to a one third Muslim, a third Black and a third White egotistic politico with no respect whatsoever towards Christians particularly this close to Easter and on the weekend of Palm Sunday.
However, I did come up with a better idea. Since after all he is part Muslim, why doesn't someone dress him up or paint him as Muhammad and hang that painting or stand that statue up at the Art Institute and watch the raging sand dwelling Islammers burn the place down within 15 hours or so. That would be pretty thought provoking cutting edge art now wouldn't it?
That would provoke some thoughts all right, thoughts of thousands of Muslims trampling up and down the Chicago streets and around the world at the perceived denigration of their supposed savior..
Then of coarse the Chocolate Jesus thing happening this past weekend as well another slap at Christians that only gains attention as the MSM mocks them for being angered at this equally disgusting portrayal of the savior.Artist Sees Obama as Christ
MyFox Chicago "Some call it art. Other call it blasphemy. A new piece of art showing Senator Barack Obama as Jesus Christ is now on display at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. A.J. Sterling has the story."more plus story video here
Storm in US over chocolate Jesus
BBC Online A New York gallery has angered a US Catholic group with its decision to exhibit a milk chocolate sculpture of Jesus Christ.
The six-foot (1.8m) sculpture, entitled "My Sweet Lord", depicts Jesus Christ naked on the cross.
Catholic League head Bill Donohue called it "one of the worst assaults on Christian sensibilities ever".
The sculpture, by artist Cosimo Cavallaro, will be displayed from Monday at Manhattan's Lab Gallery. more
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