> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Drunken Illegal Kills Another American Citizen.

Today's world headlines

Monday, April 23, 2007

Drunken Illegal Kills Another American Citizen.

This broken record replays just about every day on roads across America, you know the song like the back of your hand. It's that one where these illegals repeatedly, and with utter disregard for we American citizens and our laws, non nonchalantly drive drunk from their local neighborhood bars and taverns after a days work doing these supposed jobs Americans won't do.

And before you can say "por favor no depĆ³rteme hombre de inmigraciĆ³n" (please don't deport me immigration man) they snuff out the life of yet another born and raised American citizen going about their daily life when they shouldn't even be inside the country in the first place..

This death of the young girl below and all the nearly countless others resulting from the reckless actions of these illegal tribes hang on the necks of our government that treat these criminals with more courtesy and respect than our own law abiding citizenry, which in turn results in slews of completely preventable deaths.

First off all, if I were the parents of this young lady or any other victim of an illegal aliens negligence for that matter I would sue them, the Mexican and US Government plus Whatever County USA for failing to protect the population by keeping these people out of our cities, the country and off our roads period. Maybe a tsunami of lawsuits of this nature if indeed viable might get the government to wake up to this epidemic..
Drunk driving is suspected in crash that killed woman

STLtoday - News - St. Louis City / County: "MARYLAND HEIGHTS — A suspected drunken driver was charged Saturday with involuntary manslaughter after his car plowed into the back of another vehicle, killing a young woman.

The suspect, Pedro Santos, 27, was arrested about 3 a.m. Saturday, about three hours after the crash, hiding in woods not far from the scene at Marine Avenue and Bennington Place" read more
In a related story, every couple of years around here in Illinois the Chicago Sun Times, NBC news or some other outlet starts staking out Cook County and Chicago city courthouses looking for the over-abundant scofflaws leaving their traffic court hearings without licenses. Mostly they do this to get ratings points.

Nine times out of ten this takes place just minutes after telling judges in their courtrooms they'll "never drive again without a license," "thanks for the second chances", etc etc. And afterwards they then brazenly walk literally straight to the parking lot and happily speed away in their illegal cars without any difficulty or repercussions just like the guy below did on this day, at least they thought:
Nery Morales
While reading the complete story, it's pretty interesting to note the surnames (like the guy above) of the other lawbreakers that they happen to catch with amazing ease and regularity during their little semi annual stings, all appear to be resident aliens.
Why are they still driving?

Chicago Sun Times Metro: Nery E. Morales knew he was catching a break. With two DUI arrests last year and a suspended driver's license, the Northwest Side man faced jail time after getting pulled over by the Illinois State Police for doing 90 mph on the Northwest Tollway near Rolling Meadows in November, records show.

But in exchange for pleading guilty to driving on a suspended license, Morales, 24, avoided being sent to jail.

"I understand the seriousness," Morales told Judge Pamela Karahalios on March 16. "I'm getting some slack, and I'm thankful I'm getting a second chance."

Then he walked out of the Cook County branch courthouse in Rolling Meadows, got into a white Mitsubishi and drove away -- even though his driver's license is suspended until 2013. read more


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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