The biggest way this comes is in the form of welfare which then pays for the often higher than usual health care bills of the unemployed and under achieving, or that illegal hardworking yet double dipping crowd. This includes fatherless and thereby uninsured as well as often unhealthier than usual children than those coming from more stable family environments.
This situation would be absolutely intolerable were it not for the fact that someone has to take care of these poor unfortunate kids as usually the only parent cannot or will not.
This isn't nearly as bad as what occurs on another end of this spectrum. This would be when the responsible and working Americans, even those who are single in our society, also end up paying for the children in the above scenario when mother and or father (but usually not both) decides to raise the child but also when they alternatively choose to have the child or children systematically killed via socialist left wing government subsidized abortions.
Talk about getting screwed whether your coming or going. Here's where those dem's have all the bases covered. Always appearing to ride in to the rescue, (to a problem they've created mind you) buying those votes as long as the responsible, working and taxpaying Americans are forced to foot the bill for their generosity and bribery with our money to this ever expanding group of now mostly non-American people.
So today Stop The ACLU expounds further on this issue as well as other important culturally divisive things on the table. All that stuff being propagated and then litigated by those socialist America haters at that organization dedicated to the destruction of our country from the inside out with the assistance of their deep pockets and endless stable of attorneys.
Stop The ACLU: "Ever since last November’s elections, which resulted in a pro-abortion leadership in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, national abortion groups have boldly pushed an agenda of death - forcing taxpayers to pay for it! In 2005 Planned Parenthood got $272 million in our taxes, twice the money it made from its 255,000 abortions that year.Abortion is murder and immoral. Since it was made legal and uses tax dollars to fund it, translates into government-funded murder. Not only is Planned Parenthood being reimbursed for child-killing, they are making huge profits, 100%, off these innocent children’s deaths.
When conservatives argue that taxpayer money should not be used to fund immoral actions, such as abortion, they counter that because they disagree with the War on Terror, their taxpayer dollars should not be used to fund that. This argument could not be more inaccurate. It’s comparing apples to pimples.
Read more of this Op Ed back at Stop The ACLU and join us all in the effort to, well, Stop the ACLU!
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