> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Curfew Installed After 8 Slayings

Today's world headlines

Monday, January 8, 2007

Curfew Installed After 8 Slayings

That AP headline can only be referring to one place that we all know as the most insecure and dangerous place on earth and is Baghdad, right?

No, that headline above is referring to that wonderful George Bush and Dick Cheney created waterpark (according to every numbskulled liberal and minority on the planet earth that is) New Orleans,this after the city has already suffered 8 murders in 2007 .

Yes, the same New Orleans that re-elected the illustrious and always on top of things Ray "Chocolate City" Nagin, who's stellar leadership has brought that city such wonderful achievements ever since his infamous non-dispatch of Nagin's Navy during the hellstorm Katrina.

Like I said here & here when the people of New Orleans re-elected this bozo back in May after such a dismal performance when it counted most, "You Gets What You Axe (sic) Fo."
And now you got it.
And Moving Forward You Aint!
It's a lawless crime infested hole, just like it was before the storm. Guess y'all be callin 'dat "Progress, Nagin style".

And that's fine... just don't come crying to we, the American taxpayers anymore, until you and your city recall or fire that loser and hire someone up to the enourmous task there that that city still faces ahead of it. Otherwise you have no-one to blame but yourselves. Just remember who put him there. He's more suited to be Mayor of Bagdhad than any American city.
New Orleans eyes curfew after 8 slayings

Associated Press NEW ORLEANS - With at least eight slayings in the city in the first week of the new year, officials are considering a curfew to help stem the violence, the police superintendent said Saturday.

"It's something we're just sort of talking about, to see if that will make a difference," police Superintendent Warren Riley said.

Mayor Ray Nagin, meanwhile, urged residents not to leave the city, still rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina, because of the recent killings. He said the slayings could be a tipping point that "galvanizes our community" to find solutions. story continues
Filed Under Law and Order, Miscellaneous, Political Corruption


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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