But not the one James Zogby came out with yesterday. The one that says opinions of Americans overseas have dropped to record levels.
What his poll doesn't say or ask why is that it's as a result of we, the US, finally getting pissed off about having one of our cities attacked by a bunch of terrorists using American airliners, atop the many other atrocities against our interests and troops on foreign soil and waters throughout the mid to late eighties and nineties and finally taking it back to these Arabs in their own streets.
I realize Iraq didn't attack us, but all the F'krs that were glad we were or wanted to are there dying in droves now. Notice no attacks since 9-11? Think they haven't wanted to? These jihadders are too busy being wiped out in Iraq and Afghanistan to screw around anywhere else.
The only people that think we are losing the wars there are the damn democrats, not the hajis, they're all praying to Allah we leave soon before they're all dead.
So anyway, here's one poll that'll never happen that I'd like to seen taken and then publicized.... (satire)
This because many of us simply became sick and tired of the US being used and abused by the rest of the screwed up & practically worthless world with the small exception of our steadfast allies in Britain and Australia. I'd much rather we win this war on terror than some damn BS popularity contest around the world, for they all need America more then America ever will need them anyway.
What his poll doesn't say or ask why is that it's as a result of we, the US, finally getting pissed off about having one of our cities attacked by a bunch of terrorists using American airliners, atop the many other atrocities against our interests and troops on foreign soil and waters throughout the mid to late eighties and nineties and finally taking it back to these Arabs in their own streets.
I realize Iraq didn't attack us, but all the F'krs that were glad we were or wanted to are there dying in droves now. Notice no attacks since 9-11? Think they haven't wanted to? These jihadders are too busy being wiped out in Iraq and Afghanistan to screw around anywhere else.
The only people that think we are losing the wars there are the damn democrats, not the hajis, they're all praying to Allah we leave soon before they're all dead.
So anyway, here's one poll that'll never happen that I'd like to seen taken and then publicized.... (satire)
However, these results above would have to be changed after 2003 to reflect the number of liberals (but still Americans unfortunately) who can't sleep at night because the whole world doesn't love us anymore. BooooHooo.From Free Republic today NEW YORK (DPI) - A new poll shows that Americans are not overly concerned about a recent poll of non-Americans that showed that world opinion of the U.S is falling among snooty Euro-trash ingrates and barefooted baby-popping primitives.
The initial poll included people whose asses we either bailed out or kicked in the last couple of world wars, as well as denizens of sweaty third-world hell holes that lack the resources and technology to produce a dependable bottle opener. The follow-up poll of average Americans found 98% either "don't give a shit" or "favor using military force to take whatever foreigners have that we might want."
This because many of us simply became sick and tired of the US being used and abused by the rest of the screwed up & practically worthless world with the small exception of our steadfast allies in Britain and Australia. I'd much rather we win this war on terror than some damn BS popularity contest around the world, for they all need America more then America ever will need them anyway.
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