> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Chicago Air & Water Show the big draw this weekend

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Chicago Air & Water Show the big draw this weekend

Gonna watch this from a relative's condo at Lake Point Towers Sunday downtown, which I do almost every year, so that should be cool. It's gonna be a smokin' weekend calling for 90's both days so it's really sweet to catch indoors 20 stories up over the Lake :(....   Starts at 11 which means leave about 4 hours ago....lol

Vince Vaughn is supposed to sky dive with these men, the Golden Knights,  last year it was Bill Murray.

 Let's not forget to keep an eye on the older loved ones of ours and don't forget those pets either :)

 Pic from great friend Wisco Dave this morning ....

But still this thing will draw millions over the weekend total despite the concrete jungle heat, it does every year, as it's actually one of the most heavily attended, free, public events in the world, that is a fact Jack.

It used to be around the fourth of July the way I remember things yet I couldn't confirm it,  then one summer  it seems like they moved it to later in the summer to August for some God forsaken reason, when it's 400 degrees on the pavement in most of the city ...

Perhaps it's always been in August but I remember as a teen going down there earlier for this thing, but I could be wrong, although I doubt it ;)  lol
Chicago Air & Water Show: "The Chicago Air and Water Show presented by the City of Chicago and Shell Oil Products U.S rocks the lakefront August 14-15, 2010 for the largest FREE show of its kind in the United States.

The U.S. Navy Blue Angels and U.S. Army Parachute Team Golden Knights will headline the 52nd Annual Chicago Air and Water Show along the lakefront from Fullerton to Oak Street, with North Avenue Beach as the focal point. New time this year; the water and air portions have been combined for one continuous show beginning at 11 am and ending at 4 pm both days.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. InAnd AroundGarfieldRidgeSaturday, August 14, 2010

    I am headed there now, I will wave you you-I will be the one in the black shirt!!! LOL Enjoy your day!

  2. No I'm goiin tomorrow. you can tell me how it all went Wifey  Have fun and be safe ;)

  3. You are SO lucky to have a nice place to go and watch the snow, Ray.

    I've gone a few times over the years, but the last time, maybe 5 years ago was SO crowded, I said, NEVER AGAIN.
    One year I sat around the curve of Montrose street, and it was a pretty good view.  But this weekend, I will be watching on tv.
    It's WAY too hot, and kind of cloudy.  I hope it's clear for your day tomorrow.

  4. We used to go right on Rush and dangle our feet over the ledge back in the day when you could bring coolers and beers and liquor before the 'brutha hoods' went batshit and ruined it for everyone.

    It's my aunt's house. She's not exactly the partying type. A few years ago I had people up there and she was gone for that weekend and it was fun but she's a little too old to boot out of her own house now at 70. There'll be some other relatives there so it'll be ok for a spell...I haven't been able to really do much the entire time I've been blogging so now it's nice to get out and perhaps I'll start including that stuff more.

    My family DOES NOT like to be blog fodder though so I respect that side of it and leave them out of it entirely.

  5. I meant Oak street beach there right there. We'd get there at 7 am and party all day. 20 years ago, it's too hot for me still this year but maybe next summer.

  6. This is so cool, Ray! This must be neato to see the air show every year. Hope you had a blast!

  7. It was fun, we go there and eat, have some beers and hang out with family for a while, it's a bit of a tradition I guess.

    It was hard for me to get there for a couple years but it was nice to be back, Beats watching from the ground which I did quite a few years. Watched it from a boat one year.


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