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Monday, September 20, 2010

Gone Fishin' Indefinitely

6 uninterrupted years of 10,500 posts, that's correct, 10 1/2 thousand freaking posts and over 1 million written words by Yours truly dealing with deranged liberal BDS afflicted sufferers and now deaf, dumb and blind ObaMoron's while simultaneously fighting with Search Monster Google over my focused Anti Obama commentary and content without a single break (see the Google story below the header) is coming to an end for this man I regret to inform my readers, friends and or both out there..not to mention my enemies....

Perhaps I shall return someday in the near future, perhaps not. After all, as they say, nothing is CERTAIN in this world except death, taxes and for those liberals out there AIDS and STD's.

In any event, those who supported my along the way thanks a million, I won't be disappearing completely and we'll be seeing you all I'm sure through your blogs and other internet activities.

Again thanks for all your support and friendship over the years, and hopefully along the line we changes some hearts and minds along our poorly paid journey as it's now time to get back in the game after a decade of being crippled by Multiple Sclerosis on society's bench, so back in the game it is.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Ray, sorry to hear you have to bow out. Hope you come back soon. I make it a point to check in here almost everyday. One reason is I like your style. Will miss the 'get right down to it, in the liberal face' approch.
    Hope you continue to visit my blog as I enjoy your input.
    And email me any time at apdp.markadams@gmail.com

  2. Have fun.  Life is too short to be serious all the time.

  3. Ray you desreve a break, relax and enjoy! Your always welcome at my little site and somehow know you will be hitting the streets in Chicagoland driving home the same message you delivered here, as they say "All politics are local".

    God Bless

  4. I for one hope you return soon. Hurry back, I miss you already.

    God bless my friend and stay safe and healthy.

  5. We'll miss your voice, Ray, but your reasoning is solid.  You overcame an obstacle that most don't even survive.  You are honoring God by getting our there and enjoying the gift he has given you.

    God bless you, Bro!

  6. I can't imagine a day without Ray!  :)

  7. Best of luck Ray, and hopefully you will be back soon.


  8. I'm sure you'll be back! But I know how you feel. Enjoy the rest, whatever you decide.

  9. Thanks you all for the kind words and we'll see what happens in the coming months with Washington and hopefully all our work leading up to this election will bear fruit and we can move back to taking care of our lives and kicking the DC criminals in their place so we don't have to watch them all like Guard dogs from here on out which we'll all likely be doing anyhow.

    There's nothing wrong with that as that's our duty as citizens but if DC isn't cleaned out as we expect I'm contemplating a move to at least a red state and getting the hell away from the illegal alienization and Ghettoizing of most of the Blue ones including Illinois nearing the top of the last.

    It's no longer the Land of Lincoln it's the land of stinkin......

    You all will be seeing me around and best of luck in your efforts and thanks again.


  10. Ray, OMG! But, if you need a break from the whacko liberals. so be it. I really enjoy your posts and can't wait until you return to the blogosphere. God Bless and Good Luck!!

  11. I hope that you will change your mind and come back, we sure do need you.  If you do not come back, thank you for your noble efforts.  You really have done a great service to your country here. 

  12. Sorry to read of this; I wasn't aware you were fighting this fight.

    I can only throw my own hat into the ring with regard to your return to the Blogosphere.

    Perhaps take some time off; then come back.


  13. Ray, everyone needs a break and especially you after years of pounding away at Liberal Insanity, and all the while finding that you can master your own MS. God bless you my friend. You have been such a great guy to work with, and I believe that is what we have done - worked together.

    You are one of the most generous bloggers I know. For all your straight talk, you also have diligently cared about "blog etiquette," and being fair. I fully expect to still "chat" as we have done for some time now. I hope you find the fish plentiful and catching them joyful. 

  14. We need people like you especially  now. So please hang in there and don’t leave us now.


Some rules: No leftwing attacks nor Obama supporters so don't waste you're time & especially mine. All 99% others welcome to have your say.

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