> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obamas to begin sixth Vacation of the year - 5 thousand a nite for 10 days Martha's Vineyard

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Obamas to begin sixth Vacation of the year - 5 thousand a nite for 10 days Martha's Vineyard

(Room Rate Source.. so that's accommodations ONLY for this trip. Add $56,000 an hour for AFO, about 90 minutes each way.... When republican presidents go on vacation they go to their own homes and property btw)

They couldn't even wait until Friday to take off, they do it on a Thursday.

Man I dislike this man and his wife more and more each day when I didn't even think 'that' was possible. It is.

We all know the liberal's argument today on this 2 year Obama vacation spree, [his sixth this year alone not counting the one's Michelle has taken on her own with the children], is what?

"Bush did it all the time!!"

My ass he did. What he was doing isn't comparable to what Obama's doing.

Mr Bush was usually working at his Prairie Chapel ranch in Texas, which was named the “Western White House” during his long summers there when he was accompanied by dozens of staff.

Where he like Reagan worked while on vacation on their own personal, 'paid for by their own money' ranches, and when they weren't meeting with staff most of the time on the properties, they were doing this....

"working and busting their asses. Not 'screwing around' like tourist LottObama".

Obamas to begin sixth holiday of the year "President Barack Obama will be accompanied by his wife Michelle and daughters Malia, 12, and Sasha, nine, and are expected to stay at the historic Blue Heron Farm in Chilmark.

Bill Burton, the deputy White House press secretary, said that the US president was “going to spend a little time recharging his batteries” at the Massachusetts island ahead of the November midterm elections.

“There will be some hiking, some time at the beach, some time at the ice cream store - all the sort of things you do when you’re at Martha’s Vineyard. You enjoy the people and the good food.”

He is also expected to work on his swing at Mink Meadows golf club in Vineyard Haven and to work out every day, as he did when the First Family visited Martha’s Vineyard last year.

The tally of vacation days for an American president has become a contentious issue in recent years.

President Bill Clinton conducted a poll about where best to holiday. President George W. Bush spent a total of 879 days on holiday in his eight years in office, according to Mark Knoller of CBS, the unofficial statistician of the presidency.

Mr Bush was usually working at his Prairie Chapel ranch in Texas, which was named the “Western White House” during his long summers there when he was accompanied by dozens of staff. continue reading at - Telegraph:


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Pretty obvoius he thinks the job of President is some sort of vacation and that 'His staff will run things'
    The guy is a joke. I knew this was going to be his legacy. "The Vacationeer of the United States of America"

  2. yea they do act like lotto winners more than anything, and the media's afraid to say anything because the shine's ll say "the white president's didz it" when we know that's bs, they NEVER used AFO for pleasure as the GhettObama's do.

  3. That name's catching on Bunni! I never heard it 'til you said it and now I use it on all the "mainstream websites" commenting like Yahoo, CNN, Newsvine, and the ObamaNite's get really pissed off and the others love it! :'(

    Especially on New York Post...Go to comment there, I do all the time. they call him the 'n' word right on the comments, they don't hold back there and you'll see mine. :)

  4. The Obama seem determined to rub their good fortune in our faces.

  5. Ya know Opus you're right and if we feel this way, imagine how all the people stuck "still" in the ghetto's he used to get there?...

    Brutal. He's the toast of town and they're still kept down, by liberals. :(

  6. I'll have to go have some fun there.


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