> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: GOP and Independents plan Tsunami of Obama White House probes -

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Friday, August 27, 2010

GOP and Independents plan Tsunami of Obama White House probes -

This alone is the best reason to make sure the dems and RINOs are kicked to the curb in November, and then Obama to follow soon thereafter. Especially once all the illegality that took place over the past 2 years can be sifted through and then prosecuted.

Starting with the near billion dollars Obama amassed to get elected in the first place, every damn dollar of it needs to be investigated and accounted for. Right there is a mountain's worth of work as these dems planned on hiding their tracks for all this and didn't think in a thousand years Americans would rise up as we have.

And the good news there, we're just warming this train up for departure November 5th. And if the new group doesn't follow through with their promises, then a real LIVE revolution will begin.

POLITICO.com: "If President Barack Obama needed any more incentive to go all out for Democrats this fall, here it is: Republicans are planning a wave of committee investigations targeting the White House and Democratic allies if they win back the majority.

Everything from the microscopic — the New Black Panther party — to the massive –- think bailouts — is on the GOP to-do list, according to a half-dozen Republican aides interviewed by POLITICO.

Republican staffers say there won’t be any self-destructive witch hunts, but they clearly are relishing the prospect of extracting information from an administration that touts transparency.

And a handful of aggressive would-be committee chairmen — led by Reps. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and Lamar Smith (R-Texas) — are quietly gearing up for a possible season of subpoenas not seen since the Clinton wars of the late 1990s.

Issa would like Obama’s cooperation, says Kurt Bardella, spokesman for the ranking Republican on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. But it’s not essential.

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The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

1 comment:

  1. After the rally today I'm quite convinced the turnout on election day will be staggering and the calls for Obama's removal will be equally as staggering as the left is outnumbered here greatly although the numbers say otherwise we know they've been altered by all the ACORN fraud over the years. Their numbers are nowhere near what the census and voter rolls say due to all the fraudulent registrations that are probably accounting for at least a third of their totals/


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