> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Campaign TO IMPEACH 'Gay Gestapo" Prop 8 Judge Vaughn

Today's world headlines

Friday, August 6, 2010

Campaign TO IMPEACH 'Gay Gestapo" Prop 8 Judge Vaughn

This activism is beyond the pale, and even though this man knew 'damn well' after already being warned that 'this would wreak havoc on society' he essentially decided to say 'screw that and screw them so I can get my name in the Gay Gestapo Hall of Fame. (btw the pic looks like it's from his "Gay Facebook" profile huh? It just seems a little weird for a judge to me)

So in order to facilitate this I'll go flip 7 million voter's votes on their heads" for the second time  now..acting like a 'self appointed king' declaring the will of the people 'moot'.

Perhaps we should just give California back to the Bandito's after all, as I believe they're not worth the continuous damage the liberal portions of the state inflict on the rest of our country starting with the Illegal aliens right through their propaganda chokehold on Hollywood and the New York mass media.

It's whack decisions like this that 'fly in the face' of about 90% of the American population that make one wonder, and this liberal argument that "90% of people thought slavery was ok at one time" has no bearing on this.

None. It's not even in the same ballpark, so it doesn't fly here. Societal order has relied on marriage and family since man started walking upright practically, and anyone can see America's recent departure from that paradigm has been our downfall and everyone knows it.

So we're all supposed to 'sit back' and  watch a society implode with destructive decadence in order to satisfy and 'normalize' the upside down sexual world  and needs of about 3 % of the population?

Fu** that sh**.. Look what that's brought us. Gay Pride parades down main street USA for starters. Thanks but no thanks..  Wait til the whack decisions start coming from the SCOTUS now that this loon Kagen is on board. God help us all  [for the millionth time :( !!!]

Washington DC: United States Supreme CourtNew campaign demanding 'gay' Prop 8 judge be booted: "The openly homosexual federal judge in California who overturned the state's constitutional limitation of marriage to one man and one woman ignored a warning from the state's own Supreme Court about the coming chaos of polygamy and incest if same-sex 'marriages' are established and now is the target of an impeachment campaign.

Judge Vaughn Walker, who openly has lived a homosexual lifestyle, yesterday issued an order that the state could not enforce its own constitutional requirement that marriage is between members of the opposite sex only.

The ruling from Walker said 'race and gender restrictions shaped marriage during eras of race and gender inequality, but such restrictions were never part of the historical core of the institution of marriage.'

'Today, gender is not relevant to the state in determining spouses' obligations to each other,' Walker said. 'Gender no longer forms an essential part of marriage.'

'Nullification' – Just say no! Rediscover historic doctrine of resistance to fight 21st-century federal tyranny

His opinion ignored the terse warning in state Supreme Court Justice Marvin Baxter dissenting opinion in the 2008 case affirming same-sex marriage. Baxter warned of the 'legal jujitsu' required to establish same-sex marriage just a few months before California voters passed Proposition 8 and amended the constitution to limit marriage to one man and one woman.

(Story continues)


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

1 comment:

  1. Him and thousands of others have been polluting the country with their 'legislating from the bench'.. who knows how many rulings have been made in this activist manner. We have know way of knowing. Makes us realize how important those judgeships are that most including me used to 'blow off' when voting each election. Not anymore, especially around here in corrupt Chicago.


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