> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Senator Vitter: Resolve 'Oblahblah Bama's' eligibility in court!

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Senator Vitter: Resolve 'Oblahblah Bama's' eligibility in court!

More people climbing on board the 'Birther express' this morning and expect more as it's now apparent to most everyone Obama's an 'Muslim-Black liberation agent of anarchy', and this would be the best, quickest way to remove him since the framework's already there and has been since he started his campaign.

Now a respected senator has now chimed in on the issue, as Obama becomes more vulnerable than ever through his own radical disregard for the majority of we Americans.

Senator: Resolve eligibility in court: "A Republican senator from Louisiana, David Vitter, is suggesting the dispute over Barack Obama's eligibility to be president be resolved in court.

'I support conservative legal organizations and others who would bring that to court,' the Associated Press reported a video of the event revealed him saying.

Vitter becomes just the latest high-profile leader, and the first U.S. senator, to take such a strong stand on the issue.

It's also significant that the AP, which has stated publicly that the president's 'birth certificate' has been made public even though the image of the document posted online actually is a 'certification of live birth,' which under Hawaiian procedures was available to those not born in the state, reported on Vitter's comments.

Want to help find out the real answers? Join others is supporting the national billboard campaign that asks the simple question, 'Where's the birth certificate?'

Vitter was responding to a constituent who on Sunday at a town hall meeting in Metairie, La., asked about Obama's 'refusal to produce' a 'birth certificate.'

(Story continues)

Sounds like a fine plan to me. All this strife and distrust could be eliminated with the simple display of his 'missing', and likely 'non existent' Kenyan birth certificate, as more and more each day it should be becoming easier for 'doubter's' that 'no man doing what he's doing to this country was born into this land with a love for country instilled into his being like the rest of us'.

Even the left has now seen this, so let us, with those sane liberals, combine forces and fix this mistake before it's too late..

Obama's on a vendetta-like 'reparations on demand' fasttrack, and anyone who cannot see that is more than blind, so I can start to better understand why they might need all the free mental care they can manage to steal in the form of Obamacare after all.

That Bush derangement syndrome is apparently hard to shake


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Ray, you are just a racist!

    How dare you call for proof of natural U.S. birth from the 1st U.S. black prez! 

    Just because all others before him holding the job were challeneged on the same legal standard and produced the proof (that includes the losers as well like John McCain) you want to hold the black man down by holding Obama to the same standard?

    I suppose along with the birth certificate you want to see his passport right? Racist!
    Or his college records? Racist!


  2. Yea I know it's hard to take but sometimes we're blinded by the Hoods and sheets definatively christopher ;)  

  3. I'm cuttin bigger eye holes in my sheets, I have the old Robert Byrd style still ..... ;)


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