> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Race Baiter Jackson Pulls The "Le Bron Race Card" Calling Cav's Owner "Slavemaster" and James "runaway slave"

Today's world headlines

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Race Baiter Jackson Pulls The "Le Bron Race Card" Calling Cav's Owner "Slavemaster" and James "runaway slave"

Since when do slaves get paid a hundred million dollars there Jesse?

I blogged about the story at the other blog and didn't really want to 'double post' the same thing so if you wish you can read about it there, or you can go to the original ESPN story there which has about 3000 comments and a bunch of pissed off sports fans and political junkies, including my scathing remark, who are also tired of the 'Reverend Al -Jessie to Obama' triple play triumvirate of race baiting and Caucasian hatred at the links below ;)


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. InAnd AroundGarfieldRidgeSunday, July 11, 2010

    Is there anything this guy does not involve himself in?? Oh wait-where is he when all of the Chicago Police Officers are being killed by the people he "represents?" Where is the outcry then?? This guy makes me sick!

  2. How bout it Wifey? He's a pimp and so is Rev Al, and I'm damn sick of it and do sometimes pray the lord above intervenes in the near future so he can be judged for all the extortion and racial unrest he's fostered and profited on!!  GGGGGRRRR!!!

  3. Ya know though I just watched Channel 5 Sports and all the emails echo pretty much how most of us thought, but in reality, Jackson is kind of right, it was kind of like a modern day slave auction what we just witnessed, but for 50 million where do I sign up to be a victim>?

  4. InAnd AroundGarfieldRidgeSunday, July 11, 2010

    I can't type on here what I would do for even 1 million =-X

  5. I hear, it's so tiring, I mean, they get a president, they still complain, they get this, they still complain, get free college, still complain, they get the justice department ignoring their crimes, they still bitch, see a pattern of failure here? I do.. :(

  6. They ever do get the keys completely they would probably kill us all if they could. Probably would now if they could get away with it. I mean Muslims as well. We're sleeping with the enemy all over in the name of progressivism which has always led to societal collapse every single time.

    I really hate saying this, but the same people keep failing no matter what we do to prop them up, all over the world. Not everyone but far too many and for each person given something 3 people won't be able to earn it the right way. WTF is that about? Failure eventually and sooner than later. This can come apart fast if the forces aren't with us on this which I happen to believe they are ...  ;)

  7. He is <span>not</span> a pimp.  Pimps have better manners than that joker ever did.

    He is old and doesn't have too much longer here on Earth, so all we have to do is wait for the day the Grim Reaper comes for him, and pass the candy around.

    Would fireworks be too much?

  8. This racist bum should shut up.  If he wants to protest something, he should get his buddy obammy to stop all his homies from shooting everyone.  Great pic, Ray.
    I need to be a "slave" like that, I tell you.  And, I don't even play sports ;)

  9. It is a joke and damn offensive to make that comparison and seriously mean it as Jackson did, then again that's his job, rankling whitey.

  10. Trestin MeachamMonday, July 12, 2010

    Who is in charge of Jessie's meds?

  11. I think Malik The ZULU supplies them when he's not crackin cracker skulls and robbing convenient stores around Chicago ;)


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