> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Turkish FM likens flotilla raid to 9/11 - Not A Joke But sounds like one...a sick one..

Today's world headlines

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Turkish FM likens flotilla raid to 9/11 - Not A Joke But sounds like one...a sick one..

If this pig comparing the killing of 9 people on a flotilla with 50 people with ties to Muslim terrorism doesn't make you sick nothing will.
Turkish FM likens flotilla raid to 9/11

Shortly before meeting with US Secretary of State Clinton, Ahmet Davutoglu tells reporters in Washington, 'Israelis think they are above any law, but we will stop them'. American sources tell Ynet decision to call off Netanyahu visit prevented embarrassment for Obama in light of events

Yitzhak Benhorin Turkish FM likens flotilla raid to 9/11 - Israel News, Ynetnews

Ok lets look this over class.....ya mean to tell me that these two events are even in the same galaxy much less stratosphere?

...is the same thing as this f-(*)^&(%^(*^)+ thing.
A Muslim terror flotilla in Sheep's clothing with genuine 'useful
American Muslim idiots' as cover.....

Yea right Muhammad, they're the same thing. That statement proves to me that this was planned provocation to use for the propaganda, and either (A) the charity people once again are taken advantage of or (B) they're willing accomplices, it's one or the other.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. That SOB needs to go to the drive-in at Habib's and order himself a TerrorTortilla combo with Mountain Goat Blew, Al-Queda special sauce & two HamasMelts.

  2. This is serous.  This is the New World Order resetting itself to pre-WWI.  Obama has spoken softly but his stick is flaccid.  No one respects us anymore, so welcome to the new new world order, where every tin pot dictator tells America and our friends to go to hell.

  3. Each day these lefties reach a new anti American low and it's gonna 25 years to reverse this if someone doesn't take matters into their own hands aside from all the internet rallying we all do.  Actions speak louder than words.

    We've never seen the Muslim world so emboldended and we have to take this cult down somehow.

  4. ;) good one. Don't laugh though, the way their building Mosques around this country we'll soon have CamelBurger Kings popping up on every corner too.


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