> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Relationship Reset? Feds Bust 10 Alleged Russian Spies in U.S.

Today's world headlines

Monday, June 28, 2010

Relationship Reset? Feds Bust 10 Alleged Russian Spies in U.S.

Nice. Now if we can only weed out the Chicoms and Muslim spies which have infiltrated the top levels of government including the presidency we might be making a little progress.

Now we know the pictures we saw last week of Obama "Looking into Medvedev's Soul" like Bush did Putin's lol were nothing but a joke, And the next thing you know they'll be giving the Russians the combination to the freakin' nuclear football or is now a Box of Nuclear golf balls I wonder?.

This is why Russia is 'playing the Obama card" right now, as they know a sucker when they see one. Let's all sit back now and see how many more concessions they can squirm out of the 'Dickless wonder' and his junior commie friends before the collapse is complete. .

The Ruskies wrote the book on this red plague, so they read Obama like an open one but he thinks he's the smartest one in the room and they LET him think that..

WASHINGTON -- Ten people have been arrested for allegedly serving as secret agents of the Russian government in the United States, the Justice Department said Monday.

Eight of 10 were arrested Sunday for allegedly carrying out long-term, deep cover assignments in the United States on behalf of Russia.

Two others were arrested for allegedly participating in the same Russian intelligence program within the United States.

Their job, according to the court papers in the case, was "to search and develop ties in policymaking circles" in the United States.

Each of the 10 was charged with conspiracy to act as an agent of a foreign government, which carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison on conviction.

The cases were filed in U.S. District Court for the southern district of New York.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Great post, Ray!  The dickless wonder will do nothing about this, as usual.
    The Russians are playing him so well.  He is a psycho clown.

    PS:  I linked you in my post just now.  

  2. thanks for the link and who knows what these people are doing. They don't care about illegal aliens, why spys? SMacks of publicity but it's real.Why wait 8 years to bust these people. ? :(

  3. Yea I do believe they really do think he's a moron, know his background and like others is probably blackmaling him and the country for all we really know. I don't trust any country Obama does and do trust all the one's he doesn't which makes him an enemy in sheeps clothing to me for the most part,..I even wonder at times if his wife even knows what the heck he's up to. Seriously, I really wonder about this man all kidding aside. How this country got so upside down so fast is quite frightening.


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