> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama on War: 'I Don't Have a Crystal Ball' (Well, 'get one' OzBama)

Today's world headlines

Monday, June 28, 2010

Obama on War: 'I Don't Have a Crystal Ball' (Well, 'get one' OzBama)


Oh but president Bush was supposed to be a soothsayer! What the hell Barry? You were gonna 'lower the oceans' and 'heal the world' you empty suited fraud who we still have no idea where the hell you even come from.

What is it with these people on the left?

They whine how hard it is being president and all that jazz, but gave president Bush not one flipping inch of slack, and the fact of the matter is, if those same lefties got off his and the military's back during his first term, starting with the "Mission Accomplished" attacks and onward, (as they exploited the wars for political gain) this Mad, Radical Muslim purge would have been over with 9 years ago.

As that old saying goes: Be careful what you wish for. Now look what we have. A perpetual whining baby.

Not to mention that it was he, Harry Reid, San Fran Pelosi, and a 50 million other morons were the ones demanding exit strategies the day after the war started, no? This 'war stuff' is 'pretty complicated isn't it?" you left wing nuts.

Now he and his ObaMoron Political Army pleads for more patience and time, same darn thing president Bush begged for the entire time in office and not getting one ounce of cooperation, even to the point of having some exploited Gold star batty bitch camped out in the ditch of his Texas private property. Nutjobs.

Obama wouldn't even get on board for the Iraqi surge, nor would he admit 'it worked' during the election as he himself was guilty of 'aiding and abetting' the very enemy that's now helping bring down his presidency, with a war which now appears to be an 'open ended affair' to 'have no end', seeing HIS name is on it for perpetuity.

Speaking of which, funny how the sickeningly political whines of "glose Gitmo" have now fallen by the wayside as well. Useful idiots. Better yet, why don't they put those lazy assed louses to work down on the gulf while they're sitting there kissing the ground reading the Koran all day.

Obama on War: 'I Don't Have a Crystal Ball' TORONTO -- President Barack Obama said Sunday that there's "a lot of obsession" about the withdrawal date for U.S. troops from Afghanistan. He said his focus is on making sure the mission there is successful.

Obama's show of frustration about when he will end the unpopular war in Afghanistan came in his closing press conference at the G-20 summit in Toronto, where industrialized countries committed to slash their budget deficits in half by 2013. The president said the United States shares that commitment.

At the end of a week in which he dismissed his top commander in Afghanistan, Obama defended his war strategy and said the United States would assist the Afghans "for a long time to come."

"I don't have a crystal ball," the president said when asked about a five-year Afghanistan exit strategy endorsed Saturday by the Group of Eight major industrial democracies.

"I think that right now the debate surrounding Afghanistan is presented as either we get up and leave immediately because there's no chance at a positive outcome, or we stay basically indefinitely and do quote unquote whatever it takes for as long as it takes."FOXNews.com -


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Great post, Ray!  You said it perfectly.
    Obummer might not have a crystal ball, but he also doesn't have any other balls!  :-P :( :-$ :-P

    He does have secret negotiations with Hammas, however!
    He needs to GO!

  2. Thanks Bunni and hopefully after November he'll at least be neutralized from creating any more debt and danger for the future  : {

  3. He's like a Side show act. He reminds me of the Crystal Ball wax man that sits at the front of Madam Tussand's  Wax Museums on the boardwalk and London. Put a quarter in and he tells you things you already know.


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