> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: More Oil Leaking Than Previously Disclosed ....Pictures From The Deep....BP Oil Cam Photos....

Today's world headlines

Friday, June 11, 2010

More Oil Leaking Than Previously Disclosed ....Pictures From The Deep....BP Oil Cam Photos....

These are what I'm seeing right this minute on this thing I kinda watch off and on throughout the day...

Much more oil gushing from well than thought

HOUSTON (AP) - Researchers studying the flow of oil from the blown-out well at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico said Thursday that up to twice the amount of oil previously thought may have been spewing into the sea since an oil rig exploded nearly two months ago.

The new figures could mean anywhere from 42 million to more than 100million gallons of oil have already fouled the fragile waters,affecting people who live, work and play along the coast from Louisiana to Florida - and perhaps beyond.

It is the third - and perhaps not last - time the federal governmenthas had to increase its estimate of how much oil is gushing. Trying toclarify what has been a contentious and confusing issue, federal officials on Thursday gave a wide variety of estimates.

All of the new spill rate estimates are worse than earlier ones - andfar more costly for BP, which has seen its stock sink since the April20 explosion that killed 11 workers and triggered the spill.

Most of Thursday's estimates had more oil flowing in an hour than what officials once said was spilling in an entire day. continued
They're working away on this thing, as I've actually been watching it all night while reading and watching prime time Fox News and jamming a little bit, and I can see they're working hard on this thing pretty much constantly at least tonight they are.

It's like watching a video game which is kind if scary if they have some kid doing this, ya know? They could have the CEO Hayward's kid doing it as much as we're being told....lol

I actually took these screenshots right off the video, if this is the 'real thing' after all. It could be all a 'ruse' for all we really know.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Note that the media typically measure oil in barrels until they want to exaggerate the amount, then the measure switches to gallons. There are 42 gallons in a barrel. I suppose next the media will report the size of the spill in quarts. After all, we buy oil by the quart.

  2. More near when it first started I figured out how many barrels it was and at the time it was enough to stack them one by one all the way from Washington DC to New York and back...

    That was a couple weeks ago..

    it's probably from NYC to LA and back now. A Couple times... :(

  3. You an add links anytime you want Margie, doesn't bother me one bit..thanks. I looked at them both. I wish they would drive more traffic than they will.

  4. PS don't take this as any kind of insult cause it's not....I just looked at your blog and I, this is my thinking and doesn't matter what you do....always keep my flag and tribute to the soldiers above everything else so it doesn't look like anything else is more important. Again that's me and don't think you have to do what I do, just a thought, I like it there too because it's one of the first things people see, And you don't have to have my name on it, that's not why I'm saying to move it, not at all. You can take it off. 

    Like I said, don't be offended because my mother said it to me a while back... ;)

  5. We've been saying it all along Margie so when we're proven right you know where to come for the evidence. Here. !!


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