> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Town Hall Says "What Kagan Nomination Tells Us About Obama"

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Monday, May 10, 2010

Town Hall Says "What Kagan Nomination Tells Us About Obama"

Indeed it does and this is everything that Obama said he wasn't, that being the same old politics of old because this is "patronage" at it's worst

 First, she has no paper trail. She’s never been a judge or had to publicly discuss her beliefs on controversial issues.
While a highly accomplished woman with many achievements,  she's qualified then to be a Supreme Court justice how, again? This is nothing but paying back and old Harvard Score with the ol' secret Harvard Law handshake.

This one quote from a post I read says it all about this woman's disdain for the US militrary which should preclude here validation as a concensus builder on a high court. Are you kidding me ?

"Elena Kagan’s most notable foray into public life was kicking military recruiters off of Harvard’s campus."Daily Caller here...

Fox's Greg Jarrett asks Obama's Valerie Jarrett why she's qualified and she tells him... (eyes roll)


President Obama’s nomination of Solicitor General Elena Kagan reveals the kind of Supreme Court that the president wants for America. It’s one that will fulfill his far-left agenda. 

Elena Kagan is an interesting pick for the Supreme Court. She graduated from Princeton and Harvard Law School. She clerked for Abner Mikva on the D.C. Circuit federal appeals court, then Thurgood Marshall on the Supreme Court. She served in the White House Counsel’s office, then a law professor, and then dean of Harvard Law School. Finally, in 2009 she became the federal government’s Supreme Court lawyer as U.S. solicitor general. 

But those aren’t the reasons Barack Obama picked her for the Supreme Court. 

First, she has no paper trail. She’s never been a judge or had to publicly discuss her beliefs on controversial issues. 


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. She's a brilliant legal mind, and conservative professors at Harvard say she stood up for them and is very collegial.  This spells trouble, because this is what the libs need on the supreme court; a person who can persuade others.  Sotomayor is no such thread.

  2. Michael Savage's take on her...."   Her senior thesis at Princeton was entitled "To The Final Conflict: Socialism in New York City, 1900-1933."  She's a New York City radical lawyer through and through... >:o ...

  3. It's disgusting what this individual represents. 

  4. This lady is off the wall, blind as a bat (in the video).   It's hard to believe how she can praise this far leftist this way.  How blind can you be.

  5. When this lady in the interview defended Kagan's constitutional view I almost fell off my chair. 

  6. When this lady in the interview defended Kagan's constitutional view I almost fell off my chair. 

  7. Another Obama Chicago lefty


Some rules: No leftwing attacks nor Obama supporters so don't waste you're time & especially mine. All 99% others welcome to have your say.

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