They're once again being mislead by the "Preacher from the Black Lagoon" who along with Jesse Moth Jackson have held blacks back for their own personal gain blaming the White Man for every problem under the sun since the very minute Martin Luther King was killed.
At that moment the black movement lost a great leader and were left with these two shithead shysters...
Just look at what they've done for the black community by driving through the Comiskey Cellular One Park area here in ChitCago with your top down on a weekend night at midnight, you can see and hear the fruits of their work alright, if you exit all in one piece without being shot at or arrested for being white in the wrong part -of town.
Not to mention what the dickless wonder in the White House today supposedly did for them here in the city BEFORE they wasted their first ever black president on his lying ass. I understand the want for a "black" president, but next time, pick a black man, not a Muslim calling himself black please.
Now what the hell is this crud yesterday?..
So not everyone was happy to see his whining ass yesterday or anyday for that matter out in Arizona.
Sharpton Faces Opposition from Law Supporters
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