> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Sean Penn Pleads No Contest to Vandalism, Haiti comes in handy....

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sean Penn Pleads No Contest to Vandalism, Haiti comes in handy....

Now we know the real reason he's in Haiti working his ass off "for nothing". He's using it as his punishment for smacking around some photographer a while back.

What a guy. An official 'Vandal' now he can add to his IMBD bio ;)

"Oh but his 'relief work' is so wonderful" gushes his 'fan(s)'.

Yea, sure, he really turned things around with that now historic "crossing of the French Quarter" in his broken down, stolen rowboat from the "looterman" we all remember I'm sure back from the Katrina scam .

When  all of Hollywood took a month off for some "aquatic Bush derangement syndrome" therapy led by Fox news's Sheppard Smith and Geraldo..

That relief work in Haiti though surely is coming in handy for this sentencing hearing now didn't it, though, doh....just like his lawyers promised him when they told him to get his ass off the crack pipe and head down there for a month of cleaning up.

From 'Spicolo' to 'Mr Philanthropy'. What a journey, not to mention a bedding down rest stop with half Eurotrash Madonna after which half of Britain and all of Hollywood jumped on for a ride figuring correctly "if she'll marry that guy she'll do anyone anywhere anytime".

(AP) Sean Penn pleaded no contest to vandalism on Wednesday, effectively ending a case in which the Oscar-winning actor was videotaped kicking a celebrity photographer.

Penn was not present in court and entered the plea through his attorney. He was sentenced to three years of informal probation and ordered to perform 300 hours of community service, said city attorney's spokesman Frank Mateljan.

Mateljan says those hours can be completed through Penn's earthquake-relief efforts in Haiti.

He was also ordered to undergo 36 hours of anger management counseling and stay 100 yards (100 meters) away from the photographer. Sean Penn Pleads No Contest to Vandalism - CBS News
Maybe another 2 or 3 hundred 'anger management' hours would do him so good and I don't mean watching the movie or 'acting' in it's sequel as his next 'punishment'.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. They should have sentenced him to life there with no possiblity of parole...

  2. Spicoli says:

  3. Did you say roll and smoke another? :)


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