This covers it for the most part as Obama's BFF gets the B-o-o-t and resigns his Prime Minister seat in order to hand off the Muslim immigrant caused messes they have there and gives to David Cameron a chance to make things worse before the Brits get the message and elect more conservatives to finally clean up the mess all these lefties are leaving around the globe.
This was the first "hung" parliament since 1974 which is why they're carving out this deal seeing " DVD G" Brown step down and skip town so the conservative Cameron can "Sneak on In like Flynn"....
This was the first "hung" parliament since 1974 which is why they're carving out this deal seeing " DVD G" Brown step down and skip town so the conservative Cameron can "Sneak on In like Flynn"....
We can all thank our lucky assed stars someone cracked those emails and thus validating our charges that it was nothing more than a liberally devised wealth shifting mechanism or we may all be Global Warming Disciples whether we liked it or not . Wheew!
They, the 'lear jet liberals' are the ones who are the gravest danger to our environment, burning through our monetary supply as if they were trying to cause it to collapse upon itself. .....hint hint...
Did you listen to all that liberal gibberish...more fair, more democratic, more tolerant, that's all liberalspeak for "please tolerate the illegal immigrant and muslim invasion so America can be white black and brown too".
YouTube - 15 mln votes wasted: UK election crisis explained

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