> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: "Stab In The Back Stupak" Hanging up his DC "All Access Screw America Backstage Pass"

Friday, April 9, 2010

"Stab In The Back Stupak" Hanging up his DC "All Access Screw America Backstage Pass"

.....AKA his congressional seat.

My contention this morning is that he knew all along he was retiring after 18 years screwing his constituents and then the unborn when he pulled his two faced, back stabbing stunt during Obamacare Black Sunday. That would be the notorious day when he and his coalition of Kooks who claim to be "pro life dems" sold out America's unborn and slaughtered abortion VICTIMS

So now, predictably, since I'm predicting it here, he'll act as though he's been "intimidated" out of his seat by rancorous Tea Party Peeps and obnoxious conservative like myself. 

Just watch the day develop, you'll see it happen.

Well, so be it then, Stab In The Back Stupak! Don't let the door hit ya on the way out and all that jazz..
Especially since he's simply running in the other direction now that he and every other incumbent in congress know they're toast this year after that  fateful and sad unconstitutional day, as the smoke clears they're  running for daylight before they're all kicked unceremoniously to the curb by US.

And if they wish to claim it's intimidation causing them to do it, then that's just too bad and since they'll accuse us of it anyways, why not do it and then do it to the next one, and then the next one, and then the next one .....right up until they all fall from grace and power for the Anti American decisions they've collectively made since Barry the Kenyan Bolshevik painted America red.

Rep. Bart Stupak to Retire:

FOXNews.com - "Michigan Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak, who was the central figure in the abortion debate surrounding the health care law, will retire from Congress at the end of this term.

Stupak, who's been in Congress for 18 years, will make the announcement at a 12:30 p.m. ET press conference in Marquette, Mich.

Stupak told The Associated Press that attacks on him for his role in the abortion debate did not influence his decision and he could win re-election if he tried.

Stupak was a lightning rod in the debate over abortion provisions contained in the health care feud. Abortion language in the House bill was deemed the Stupak amendment because it provided clear rules that federal funding could not be used by insurance companies to pay for abortions. But the final law adopted different language from the Senate bill.

In the final analysis, the left accused Stupak of attempting to make abortion access more difficult while the right said he caved at the last minute by agreeing to weaker Senate provisions."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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