> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Illinois's $500 Million Corruption Tax Due to1500 IL CONVICTED criminal officials in this generation....

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Illinois's $500 Million Corruption Tax Due to1500 IL CONVICTED criminal officials in this generation....

This is my rep, Mark Kirk, who I happen to like and who takes a lot of heat for being "too liberal". I guarantee you his opponent Alexi Giannoulos has more liberal in his left hand than Kirk in his entire body.

I myself have contacted his office through webmail a couple times regarding his votes, and always appreciated his military service as well to our country, something very few if any liberals of today can say about themselves aside from a couple men.  One being deceased pork king and Marine traitor John Murtha, but don't forget John Kerry who some may not know (if they were on Mars) that he served in Vietnam about as long as Obama served in the senate, before all of a sudden being qualified to become president.

{{w|Mark Kirk}}, U.S.Official congressional portrait of former cong...But in Illinois he's about as close to a conservative in the race up here,  this time though his sites are set on the contaminated Obama Senate seat to scrub it clean of that criminal,  liberal stink all over it that the crooked, attention seeking psycho known to the world now only as "Blago" along with Obama left on it when they both bailed on voters to better their own careers and selves on our time and dime.

He sends this email today with an interesting stat, that being "in this generation 1500 Illinois public officials have been convicted of public corruption",  and we are actually being taxed for this if you can believe it, as I sure can., can almost believe anything from most Illinois Chicago area democrats.

And by the way that's not charged, that's convicted and sent to jail.

This is what he says about it I thought I'd post here.
Your Breaking News: Illinois's $500 Million Corruption Tax -

"In Illinois, more than 1,500 individuals have been convicted of public corruption crimes in the last generation. With the corruption trial of disgraced ex-Governor Rod Blagojevich starting in June, the Land of Honest Abe has become synonymous with the Land of Corruption with Illinois taxpayers paying the price.

According to three University of Illinois studies, the working families of Illinois are forced to pay over $500 million annually in hidden corruption taxes. If we are serious about bringing jobs back to Illinois, we must end the hidden corruption tax we are all forced to pay.

I authored the Public Integrity Anti-Corruption Act to give the FBI and federal prosecutors the tools they need to crack down on corruption and restore integrity to Illinois. This legislation would provide additional resources to law enforcement to target officials who violate the people’s trust.

To find out more, click on the video below."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. "Hidden corruption taxes." I watched the video but did not understand how his legislation will rid the taxpayers of this burdern, but he obviously has an idea of how to do it. Is the tax the "care and feeding of the inmates" or, an extra tax to allow law enforcement to constantly monitor politicians. What a terrible situation.

  2. I think it's all that, the cost of the ten appeals each one files, look at G Ryan, he's rotting away up there in Wisonsin prison, they wanna bring GITMO people here these people are crazy and they have no concept of money, I think Hollywood and sports along with Music has done this to American value for money I don't know !  It's unreal what's going on around us and the Obama government is trying to foment a race war and ideological conflict as well.

    I don't know where we're headed, it doesn't look like a road I've seen in my almost 50 years which freaks me out when I hear it.


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