> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Freak Alert: 36 USA Swimming Coaches Molested Teen Athletes, Parents Start suing

Friday, April 9, 2010

Freak Alert: 36 USA Swimming Coaches Molested Teen Athletes, Parents Start suing

If this is true I'm kind of ashamed to be an American and an Olympic supporter today,  thinking something like this could go on and on, yet, somehow someway some one, single adult couldn't put a stop to it? Not a one?

So they mean the whole entire adult structure there is a freak parade of up to 36 freaking molesters in one damn place, at an Olympic level swimming training facility?  I don't know on this one yet, sounds a little too sick even for today's collapsing society in many areas.

Beyond words on this one, a first for me, so put on the scum wader's boots to wade through this story running this afternoon happened across that I'm surprised it's not making bigger news, maybe everyone's ashamed to show it, who knows.

Families sue coaching authority for lax oversight: "(Newser) – USA Swimming has been rocked by the disclosure that 36 coaches have been banned for life for molesting teen athletes over the last 10 years, according to a suit brought by victims' families. Coaches secretly videotaped, fondled, and were otherwise indecent with their charges, court papers reveal. One coach in Indiana set up a camera in a 'special' shower room and secretly filmed his athletes while they bathed, ABC News reports.

In some cases, the itinerant coaching lifestyle allowed predators to stay one step ahead of authorities and victims' families. Another coach, who was sentenced to 40 years in prison last year for molesting over a dozen female teens, would switch towns after arousing suspicion. His 30 years of sexual predation highlight the ineffectiveness of background checks by USA Swimming, the sport's national governing body, which cleared him in 2008." continued

This is posted on the USA Swimming website.....

In the past couple of days, you have likely seen or read media coverage criticizing USA Swimming’s policies on child protection. The story has made many headlines, but it lacks a great deal of truth. 

We want to take this opportunity to speak openly to you, our swimming family.

First, and most importantly, sexual abuse – and any abuse of our athletes – is an issue that USA Swimming takes very, very seriously, and always has. It breaks our hearts to see a child mistreated. It should simply never happen. We are a youth organization first, and the safety of our kids is the absolute most important consideration in our business.

We have several safeguards in place to protect our members from the small number of people who would act inappropriately.   continued
 What  a potential freak show this will be, I'm really so sickened by this and just hope and pray it's not true or at least inaccurate in some fashion. If not, we're really surrounded by a freak show today more than I've ever witnessed in my lifetime society wise, not personally. My family has fortunately been untouched by such sickness we read about all day everyday.

The initial and now resurgence of the Catholic priest situation,  which hurts coming from a Notre Dame grad dad catholic family, put a lot of time and effort into that stuff growing up and as an adult early on mostly, Olympic Swim coaches, Boy scout leaders, freakin elementary school teachers, no wonder the country is blowing a gasket man.

Kids are being stripped of their childhood in the womb and out of the womb right through adulthood from the very people they trust the most. Where are all these sick adults man, I've never met  a single one of these people and wish for once I'd be the one to get the opportunity to stop something like this and take a lifetime of anger out on a bank robber or a child molester, I think of it all the time. Haven't had the opportunity...yet.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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