> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Ex-congressman: Someone forged aide's pay increase | Another Liberal Liar not Lion

Today's world headlines

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ex-congressman: Someone forged aide's pay increase | Another Liberal Liar not Lion

My Way News - "WASHINGTON (AP) - Former congressman Eric Massa said Saturday that someone forged a $40,000 salary increase for his chief of staff, who has accused the ex-lawmaker of sexual harassment.

The New York Democrat also denied authorizing a check from a campaign account in the same amount to the same official, Joe Racalto, according to a statement released by Massa's attorney. Racalto's attorney denied the allegations and said both transactions were done at Massa's direction.

The exchange came one day after Racalto reavealed he had filed a sexual harassment complaint against the former congressman, who announced March 5 that he would resign.

'The amount of $40,000 was determined solely by Mr. Racalto,' said the statement to The Associated Press. 'Mr. Racalto never communicated the $40,000 amount of the payment to Mr. Massa.'"

No wonder this man's eyes are brown, he's full of shi* from head to toe. This excuse is about as lame as someone getting pulled over by the cops while smoking pot, telling the cop you're not smoking it and then telling him someone left it the car and you just smoked some to see what it was.

Complete bull that anyone can spot a country mile away, so here we have yet another democrat who thinks Americans are all idiots just because 51% voted this guy in office they figure they'll buy anything. And they all stonewall right up until they very last possible microsecond before their individual cardhouses come falling down 

Whereas someone like Sarah Palin resigns because the dems had so many nuisance suits against her they were wasting tax dollars by the millions defending them, all of which later proved frivolous, so she thought of the taxpayers by resigning and yet scorched earther's or liberal loons in layman speak on the other hand we have that fat  %$#@!@#  bastard up in New York who won't resign until they assign him a cell and a striped suit, and even then he'll still be living high off the hog when he gets out at our expense.

That would be Charlie of whom I speak by the way. Perhaps he and Massa can share a room down at Sing Sing for a decade or so, freaking lowlives in suits is all these people are, and frankly it's so disheartening to see that the supposed "best and brightest" (aside from our soldiers who really are)  are the slimiest,  near sub human, criminals to hit that town, at least since Coke hound mayor turned congressman  Marion Berry dredged the Potomac river looking for crack rocks one weekend on a massive drug binge.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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