> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Religion Of Peace Soldiers Kill Dozens In Hospital Homicide Triple Bombing Attack

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Religion Of Peace Soldiers Kill Dozens In Hospital Homicide Triple Bombing Attack

Scum of the freaking earth...
Iraq suicide bomber targets hospital in triple attack

CNN.com: "Baghdad, Iraq (CNN) -- A suicide bomber ended a series of deadly attacks in central Iraq by detonating explosives in a hospital emergency ward where victims of two earlier blasts were being treated.

At least 29 people were killed and 42 wounded in the triple bombing attack in Baquba, northeast of the capital Baghdad.

The first car bomb attack targeted a government office near a police checkpoint. Two minutes later, a second suicide car bomb went off near the party headquarters of former Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari in central part of the city.

About an hour later, as the victims of the first two explosions were being rushed to Baquba general hospital, a third suicide bomber walked into the hospital's emergency room and detonated a bomb"

These terrorists around the world are such never before seen scum, at least since the Middle Ages in many ways,  and it's so hard to believe the so called "civilized world" cannot unite against such evil amongst us when it couldn't be more clear who and what the enemy is, and the fact that these terrorists need to be killed off on the spot, wherever they're found. 

Nothing short of this will work, and like termites and cockroaches, they need to be completely wiped out or their evil kind simply regenerate. 

Our intelligence know who they all are, and if they were given the OK, the military could have it done by the end of the year worldwide, even tomorrow with the most drastic of actions, which we used once before in a time of war, and perhaps it's time to reconsider our position on that, although we never will, not in this day and age.

So sadly, until that day comes,  we'll all have to tolerate their killing of their own people not  to mention ours, even the women, children and the sick and dying in hospitals as this terrorist in Iraq just did. If we've learned one thing since 911, we should have learned that "Nothing" is out of bounds for the so called "soldier of Allah", NOTHING.

Why so called moderate Muslims tolerate this violence on their own people in the name of Islam is beyond comprehension, other than under only one extenuating circumstance...and one only.

That is...they approve of it. Period. There's no other explanation for the lack of outrage in the Muslim world over the massive amount of death inflicted on their own kind by these animals.

Otherwise they'd be the first ones to stop it.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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