******* original post below ********
Edwards, Paterson, Blagojevich, Rangel, Upchuck Schmuckie, Dingy Harry, Spitzer, and the list of present pols knee deep in **** seems endless.....
So instead of running through the entire list of democrats presently up the creek with no paddle, and besides being complete scum, what else do all those so called 'men' have in common?
They're all crooked liberal Dems voted most likely to be going to prison during their retirement, "IL Gov. George Ryan Style" because of their fraud and criminal behavior while in government. One foot has dropped on the group and the other is soon to follow and a complete liberal massacre will occur in NOV.
They're all crooked liberal Dems voted most likely to be going to prison during their retirement, "IL Gov. George Ryan Style" because of their fraud and criminal behavior while in government. One foot has dropped on the group and the other is soon to follow and a complete liberal massacre will occur in NOV.
So that leaves us with Obama, who is surrounded by this scum everywhere he's been, but somehow he doesn't have "swamp stink" all over him like all his prison bound friends? He's "the only honest liberal in the entire Illinois Crook County and DC machine" they want us to believe, just like they were "conned" with Edwards the con and the other obvious frauds?
Yea, OK whatever they say. My words to them? Hey, pass the damn crack pipe would ya?.
NYPOST.com: "John Edwards will likely soon be indicted by a federal grand jury on charges that he violated campaign finance rules by paying his mistress and campaign videographer Rielle Hunter, it's being reported.The grand jury has been meeting since April 2009 and an indictment will happen soon, according to The National Enquirer.'John is terrified that he's going to be indicted,' a friend told The Enquirer. 'While he believes he's done nothing illegal in trying to hide his extramarital affair with Rielle and their daughter, he thinks the Feds are going to make an example of him.'The Enquirer also reported that his soon-to-be ex-wife Elizabeth 'could help send the former presidential candidate to jail.'Edwards fell from grace after it was revealed he was cheating on his cancer-stricken wife with Hunter. He finally admitted in January to being the father of Hunter's 2-year-old daughter.
The tawdry details of the affair came to light in a tell-all memoir by staffer Andrew Young, who also claimed to have a sex tape of Edwards and Hunter."
What a guy.
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