> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: House Phone Lines Frozen After Barrage of Calls Over Health Care Reform ? Cavuto Tries On Air With Same Results

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

House Phone Lines Frozen After Barrage of Calls Over Health Care Reform ? Cavuto Tries On Air With Same Results

I actually was participating in some phoning the Criminal congress this morning at the urging of Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham, and I too was met with busy signals. So I recorded a couple and am emailing the audio to their offices instead.  So we'll see how they like deleting 1500 emails from their email boxes tomorrow morning.

FOXNews.com - "House phone lines were frozen Tuesday afternoon following a barrage of calls on the health care reform debate, with congressional opponents of the legislation crediting talk radio host Rush Limbaugh for the flood of opposition while the bill's supporters said they were getting calls of support".|
House phone lines were frozen Tuesday afternoon following a barrage of calls on the health care reform debate, with congressional opponents of the legislation crediting talk radio host Rush Limbaugh for the flood of opposition while the bill's supporters said they were getting calls of support.

"Phones and e-mails are going nuts on health care," Rep. Denny Rehberg, R-Mont., wrote on his Twitter page Tuesday afternoon, advising people to "keep trying."

Jeff Ventura, spokesman for the House's Chief Administrative Officer, said Tuesday that the "the volume is clearly attributable to the significant interest in the health care bill."

You what's even funnier about all this is I was watching Neal Cavuto at the time, and he was doing the same damn thing while getting the same results.

The video is about that very thing at the end, and the rest is informative as he chats about the CBO and congress changing the bills after they've been scored,  where the so called "jobs bill" went up in cost 20% overnight, which added billions to the bill as the DC Dumb Fu**s seem to think it's all  "chump change"..

As Neal says in the vid:  " Well We're the Chumps, and it's our change".

They seem to be slow busy signals that I encountered, so that usually indicates a truthfully busy switchboard ,which is both good and bad, depending on the reasons for it of course.  so anyhow, please do try and keep up the fine work out there folks.

We're getting better and better at this crap each day, and they're shaking in their silk robes and slippers like never before in DC, you can bet the bankrupt farm on that one .


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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