All they did was reverse out the colors if black and white count, removed the line of type and smooshed the whole thing flatter, or fatter I guess, to match young Americans who sit on the couch all day and night stoned off their ass watching that shit and wasting their youth on the young.(like we did 30 years ago kinda
They HAD to take the line of type out because Music Television is false advertising with what they're broadcasting. It sure aint music anymore, that's for darn sure. And we can say the same about the TV part of it too while we're at it.
Jersey Shore..gimme a break man.
It's funny that Michael Jackson actually put that channel and concept on the map, and now 30 years later he's dead and so is the channel as far as this cat's concerned.
MTV's Big Change - Yahoo! TV Blog: "MTV is embracing change. In nearly three decades on the air, almost everything about the cable network — from its programming, to its focus, to its place in popular culture — has changed with the times, except for its famous tagline, 'Music television.' Recently, the network quietly unveiled a new logo which has dropped the tagline entirely, indicating that MTV itself is leaving its original mission of an all-music channel in the dust. more
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