> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Poll: Some Americans Slow on the Uptake Now skeptical of Obama's promises -

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Poll: Some Americans Slow on the Uptake Now skeptical of Obama's promises -

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I bet it would be a lot worse if they queried us "right wing extremists" out here, that's for sure. As that's likely 25% of America dissatisfied right off the bat, knowing full well his far left policies and views would take us right where we are today.

Taking us from  almost socialism during the first Bush stimulus and Wall Street bailouts straight into the Democrat caused Housing Tsunami with full bore state media propaganda support, to state owned finance and auto industry's, I think just about covers it so far.

Certainly not what was promised to the 51% that thought the time was right to elect a barely one term senator from the South Side of Chicago, via Kenya -Hawaii-Indonesia-New York-Chicago to the White House.

Just think where we'd be if he had to put up with the same domestic and foreign vitriol directed at Bush, all stuck up his ass for what?

Oh, just avenging 911 in Afghanistan, ridding the world of one of it's most heinous and murderous dictators in world history from Iraq, along witg freeing 50 million Muslims in the process. Quite an agenda.

What has this guy done yet that comes to the same atmosphere of accomplishment besides actually getting elected which will turn out to be his best trick by far?

Even NBC is admitting it, as now that GE got it's bailout and they got sold to Comcast, they can start telling the truth once in a while again, since they see this ship sinking.

Poll: Americans skeptical of Obama's promises -

msnbc.com: "WASHINGTON - When Barack Obama entered office, the expectations that he and others set for his presidency couldn’t have been higher.

Obama announced that he was embarking on an ambitious agenda — to create new jobs, to reform the nation’s health care system, to lessen the world’s nuclear threats and to curb partisan bickering.

“We have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord,” he said in his inaugural address. “On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn-out dogmas that for far too long have strangled our politics.”"  continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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