> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama to lay out ‘warts’ and say ‘I’m responsible’ While Still Blaming Bush....

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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Obama to lay out ‘warts’ and say ‘I’m responsible’ While Still Blaming Bush....

 UPDATE:  4:15 cst- Obama speaks, as does "Janet from another planet", although, this time their Teleprompters are right next to each others luckily for them.  So this time the chances of them saying polar opposite statements goes down considerably, as they did at the onset of the "Fruit of Kaboom" underwear bomber attack, luckily failing his intended mission for the 300 people aboard, their loved ones along with the country .... and mostly for Obama. 

He then goes on admits finally that indeed "the buck stops with him" (which I strangely mocked in an earlier post how it didn't stop with him so far).....and says what we would expect the president to say for the most part, a little lagging.

Except for admitting to the assumption that they'll just slip the effective "Bush Cheney anti terror plan" back into action, acting as if they never openly and happily mind you never dismantled it in the first place and simply call it something different. After all, it's quite obvious their "whatever Bush did, chuck it no matter how useful"  repertoire didn't work out so well so far.

3 Attacks in one year harks all the way back to the Clinton days.  That's "Terrorists - Three / Obama - Zero" already!!

Here's what some of the folks out there had to say this morning from UPI. That isn't Fox news and most of the people interviewed aren't happy.

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This is typical Obama as his minions state "The official said President Obama believes that previous administrations would 'play hide the ball'.

So he takes responsibility by how? Blaming Bush through back-channels like that. Typical.

Check this from the Des Moines Conservative Examiner (a great post)
According to The American Spectator,  two days after the attack, "senior Obama White House aides, including chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod and new White House counsel Robert Bauer, ordered staff to begin researching similar breakdowns -- if any -- from the Bush Administration.

What a sackless wonder....

We'll see what he really says when he comes out this afternoon to discuss a report that sure must have been slopped together considering it took him 6 months to make a decision on Afghanistan.

A year later after 2 years full of lies and Middle Eastern financed campaigning, and the only reason anyone can still come up with as to why Obama was actually elected this is still number one.

Obama to lay out ‘warts’ and say ‘I’m responsible’ « - Blogs from CNN.com: "Washington (CNN) – President Obama will take direct responsibility for administration mistakes when he releases a new report on the Dec. 25 terror incident, but he is not planning to fire anyone for the foul-up, according to a senior administration official familiar with the president's remarks.

'He will say, 'Here are the warts, I'm responsible,' said the senior administration official, who requested anonymity because aides were not authorized to discuss the remarks before they're delivered by the president.

The official said President Obama believes that previous administrations would 'play hide the ball' and not come clean with the American people when things wrong so he wants to be direct about what needs to be fixed, but the official said the president does not want this process to devolve into finger-pointing.

Pressed on whether people in the administration are likely to be fired to follow through on Obama's promise last week to bring 'accountability' to all levels of goernment, the senior administration official said no. 'It's about holding accountable a system so that it works,' said the senior official." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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