While our soldiers are being charged for nothing (Haditha) or charged for slapping a killer (Navy SEALs) these people are the government's main concern.......Then they bring KSM to NYC for a Broadway show and Ground Zero tour so he can admire his handiwork up close, and now this...
All of them, left and right both, them for doing it, and republicans for not stopping it, and for the public buying this "3000 job" bullshit because that's what it is. Bullshit.
This is some kind of payback to someone in Illinois government from Obama and should be investigated six ways to Sunday as Euro Peeons determine what happens in Illinois now? Because Obama and his leftist friends want to appease them, who still by the way continue to do squat when it comes to their own national security, relying on us to provide it, is no reason for the state to take on these Gitmo terrorists, the worst of the worst at Illinois taxpayer expense.
The part about the the government picking up the tab is bullshit too considering we are the damn government, and to those with their heads up their asses out there in loonland, that means we pay EITHER WAY you nimrods. They have nothing without OUR tax money.
Nothing..... they pay we pay, get it? That's how it works, Doh.
So this is what Obama is doing for Illinois, enjoy the 20 jobs down south there since all the jobs will really transfer from other government facilities you can bet your tax dollars.
Otherwise get up and start bitching like I am all the way up here 20 miles from Wisconsin, NO terrorists live in this state caged or otherwise.
We already have the scum of the scum in Marion's Supermax, we need more ?
First it's open arms for illegals in Chee Ca Go and now it's resorts for terrorists....Time to move.
"The Land of Lincoln may still be licking its wounds–and certain real estate transactions–over Chicago’s losing the Olympics to Rio, but the Obama Administration has delivered up a small consolation prize: the state’s very own federal prison for terrorists. Big Government has received what is claimed to be a leaked DOJ memo that was allegedly sent yesterday from Eric Holder’s Department of Justice to Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Memo below:
Thompson memo -
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