> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Why I Dislike DICK Durbin.....In HIS own words...(video)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Why I Dislike DICK Durbin.....In HIS own words...(video)

Here DICK thinks he's explaining away on Morning Joe why he voted against DE FUNDING ACORN, and simultaneously shows why many of us here in Illinois who simply cannot stand the man are disgusted with the shame he heaps on Illinoisans around the country.... and even globe from time to time.

Like when he says goofy stuff like this gem when he called and compared our troops to Pol Pot, The Nazi's, The Soviet Gulags and other despotic regimes, (video) or here where he plays Homer Simpson and says Oh, ACORN's not so bad.....

No one wants "a hanging" DICK,

(can you imagine if a conservative said that **** , "a hanging"?)

we simply want OUR state and federal tax dollars better spent and accounted for, so I don't think setting up taxpayer funded and directed whorehouses was nor is on the community betterment agenda where I come from or reside ..

Sure these people deserve their day in court, in fact, let 'em all show up tomorrow if they're so concerned about being treated fairly and swiftly in the system...the one they continuously game it appears from last weeks video's...think they're up for that?


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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