> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Hungry caller to 911 arrested For False Calls

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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hungry caller to 911 arrested For False Calls

Will this parade of 911 morons ever end?

Here's what this brain surgeon considered an emergency enough to call 911 in West Palm Beach the other day....

Calling and asking for a ride from the "Po - Lice" up to the nearest food joint cause he wuz hungry thinking that would be funny while bounding around drunk off his ass.... meanwhile someone across town dies because the first responding person they need is busy screwing around with this jailbound moron.

Funny stuff...

And now he will get what he wanted in the first place, and that's three hots and a cot AT YOUR EXPENSE OF COURSE, so looking at it that way, maybe he's not so stupid after all.

And using these life tactics he'll fit in perfect with Obama's plan for America, that good old cradle to death nanny state care for those who can't or mostly WON'T do it for themselves and the people they bring into this world.

This kid is only 26 years old and already practically useless considering he's headed to jail for either being hungry, stupid or both...and that's very sad...

This is what's wrong with America....ask this kid where or even who his dad is and he probably couldn't tell you, so no wonder he has no discipline, it's probably not even his fault he's so fu***ed up. And believe me when I say I'm the last person to give that blame someone else thing to anyone, believing myself in complete personal responsibility, but then again he could have great parents and still be a screw up as well...

So who the hell even knows, and the sadder thing is less than that even care.. Why doesn't Obama attack this problem in the country as opposed to breaking things that aren't broke instead.?

Video from WPTV: "DELRAY BEACH - A Delray Beach man was arrested early Wednesday and charged for twice calling 911 to ask for a ride and telling a police officer he was hungry.

Benjamin Dewer, 26, who, according to a police report, was under the influence of alcohol, was charged with making a false 911 call. He placed the call at 1:07 a.m. and police responded to the scene in the 1000 block of South Ocean Boulevard.

When a police officer approached Dewer, who was sitting on the sidewalk, he told the officer: 'I need a ride to the park and I am hungry.'

Dewer, who the police report lists as unemployed, then walked away and called 911 a second time.

'I need a ride and I am hungry,' he told the police officer again.

Dewer is being held in Palm Beach County Jail, with bail set at $1,000. BEACH - A Delray Beach man was arrested early Wednesday and charged for twice calling 911 to ask for a ride and telling a police officer he was hungry.

Benjamin Dewer, 26, who, according to a police report, was under the influence of alcohol, was charged with making a false 911 call. He placed the call at 1:07 a.m. and police responded to the scene in the 1000"


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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