Another couple weeks, more and more people will have become more educated including myself about the tragedy this Obama Health Care micromanagement (if not total management from band aid to casket) of American's heath care will likely be.
That's why this race to Capital Hill and back by Obama and his congressional stooges he's now replaced with 35 czars must be slowed, at least making certain the entirety of this monstrous undertaking is far more carefully thought out, or it has "trillions in waste and discombobulation" written all over it.
Right Direction or Wrong Track? 32% say yes50% Favor Obama Health Reform Plan, 45% Oppose It
Rasmussen Reports™: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Data Anywhere: "Voters remain closely divided over the health care reform plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats, with a high level of intensity on both sides of the issue.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 50% of U.S. voters at least somewhat favor the Democrats’ health care reform plan, while 45% are at least somewhat opposed."
Here's another one (Rasmussen poll) you won't see on the ABC's, and that is that only 32% of polled Americans think the country is headed in the right direction at this very moment. That can't be any higher than Bush's lowest numbers, or could it?
Well, actually Bush did hit rock bottom at a pretty sad 16% thinking positive last November, so Obama has a little ways to go but not too far, that's for sure.....That moment was at Bush's very lowest, and yet this period is at arguably Obama's highest watermark he'll ever experience, so that 32 is a pretty bad number, using that loose comparison and any other.
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