> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: The professor, policeman and president

Today's world headlines

Friday, July 24, 2009

The professor, policeman and president

This story is gaining more and more steam as i mentioned yesterday in a post you can see by scrolling down a few, and as it develops things become a little clearer, particularly since Obama chimed in with his now problematic opinion the other night.

Opinion which I personally determined to be a pretty flippant remark made about a terribly serious situation, by he inferring the arresting officer(s) were then and are now basically stupid, remarks which he cannot back away from quicker if he tried as I said, fitting the Obama pattern to a "T" as they say..

An tiresome exercise that is becoming more and more frequent to we Americans wherever Obama is concerned at least, as most "believers" are now slowly awakening to the fact well known outside their circle that when Obama speaks from off the cuff, most shortly thereafter there will soon be an apology or clarification being crafted to be distributed before the ink is dry on the initially offensive remarks.

His people have this thing down like a science, leaping into damage control quicker than Smokey Bear during fire season, for instance, like his Retard comment on Jay Leno as the most glaring example of Obama's true self showing through the hyperbole and myth the media has helped him conveniently create.

It's there all the time if people would just look harder, this guy's always kind of a mess if you ask me because he's way out of his league, the world can see this so why can't one half our country see it?

USATODAY.com: "It began with a routine tip about a suspected burglary, with a white cop squaring off against a black suspect. Now the president and the rest of the nation are weighing in.

More than a week after prominent Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates was arrested by Cambridge Police Sgt. James Crowley, the highly charged police action has drawn the country into a national debate about police tactics, race relations and President Obama's commentary.

Obama on Thursday backed off a statement he made the day before that Cambridge police 'acted stupidly' during the July 16 incident. He said he never intended to call the officer 'stupid' for arresting Gates on a disorderly conduct charge, which was dropped. Crowley, a police academy instructor on the dangers of racial profiling, said earlier in the day that he did nothing wrong and will not apologize to Gates. The professor didn't speak publicly Thursday.

The Gates story has captured the nation because it has a 'perfect storm' of ingredients, says Katheryn Russell-Brown, a law professor and director of the Center for the Study of Race and Race Relations at the University of Florida." (more)


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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