~ Happy 233rd America... ~
Interesting that just this week this rare copy of the Declaration was uncovered in Britain as the forefathers likely sent off this copy to the King and his people letting the British know their days of ruling this new country were over.
It's also strange that just when we celebrate the Independence of a nation we are also witnessing it's biggest leap towards cradle to grave dependence in our entire history, other than the giant leap taken by Hussein Obama's role model FDR himself, and his what's turned out to be mostly disastrous New Deal that brought Americans their first taste of entitlements..ones like welfare and Social Security that since their inception could never be properly funded and still cannot today.
In fact today in the day of Maddoff SSA is better known as a very complicated Ponzi scheme that our politicians use as a piggy bank whenever the hell they feel like raiding it
So again Happy Independence Day to all, and lets keep working against this liberal, Socialist Nanny State direction Obama's taking this country in, as it will be the ruin of an independent nation, turning it into one filled with dependent weaklings possessing no ambition, deadbeats stumbling from handout line to food line, taking us one step closer to third world status .
Which I would certainly hope we are all against, seeing we've been given a real good taste of it since our borders have been wide open like a sieve to illegal aliens of all nationalities and backgrounds for better and mostly for the worst over the past three decades.
And lets NEVER forget to thank the very people who make this independence possible by keeping watch over the homeland and kicking the asses of evildoers all around the world wherever they are found, which today means the Middle East and nowhere else.
God please continue to bless this exceptional country, our proud military and today a very Happy Birthday America!
COOL VIDEO HERE Go Daddy which was founded of coarse by a pretty cool guy named Bob Parsons who is also a proud Vietnam Vet shows the patriotism runs through his kick ass, All American, Internet company with an All American Tribute to our nation's birthday that you can see here
Some links around the internet including the story of the recently found copy of the Declaration pictured above,
2Rare copy of Declaration of Independence found - World AP - MiamiHerald.com: "This undated image released by Britain's National Archives Thursday, July 2, 2009, shows a copy of the United States Declaration of Independence, which has been discovered at the National Archives in Kew, England. The rare copy of the American Declaration of Independence has been found hidden in a file at the British National Archives."
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