Thank the Lord I won't be on this earth in it's full demise in a decade or so. God must be rolling in clouds right this minute seeing this sickness in our sad culture that celebrates sexual choice between two men or women who cannot reproduce without Dr Frankenstein and a petri dish.
This culture is sicker than sick and will be bowing to the Muslims who will run over this screwed up country like a dead possum in the middle of the road you can bet you're grandchildren's lives on that one if this shit pervades our society any more than it has.
Openly gay teen voted prom queen at LA high school: "LOS ANGELES (AP) - An openly gay teen was voted prom queen at Los Angeles' Fairfax High School in a campaign that began as a stunt but ended up spurring discussion on the campus about gender roles and teen popularity. Sergio Garcia, 18, was crowned queen Saturday night at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel.
'I feel invincible,' Garcia said in his tiara and charcoal-gray tuxedo.
A few days earlier, he gave a speech that won over some cynics and led to an ovation and his unlikely victory."At one time, prom may have been a big popularity contest where the best-looking guy or girl were crowned king and queen. Things have changed and it's no longer just about who has the most friends or who wears the coolest clothes," Garcia told a gymnasium full of seniors. "I'm not your typical prom queen candidate. There's more to me than meets the eye."
Garcia assured the crowd he wouldn't wear a dress on prom night.
Why not wear one you freak? You're certainly not a man.
"I will be wearing a suit," he said. "But don't be fooled, deep down I am a queen."
You're not fooling me and hundreds of millions of others too afraid to say what they really feel about this queenie boy.
The school, which sits at the end of the rows of chic shops on Melrose Avenue and was once attended by members of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, has long been a haven for students who would be considered outcasts at many schools.
Garcia said he saw fliers advertising the prom and the election, and they didn't specify that the queen must be a girl. He thought the role would suit him better than prom king.
"I don't wish to be a girl," he told the Los Angeles Times. said. "I just wish to be myself."
Senior class president Vanessa Lo said she and many other students were initially against the idea but were won over by Garcia's speech and became convinced he wasn't just an attention-seeking clown.
"It just goes to show how open-minded our class is," Lo said.
No, it just shows how fucked up your parents are and subseuqently their apples sure didn't fall far from their screwed up tree
Seventeen-year-old Unique Payne called the speech "great" and said she voted for Garcia "because I support the gay community."
Other students weren't as happy, and suggested many voted for Garcia just to see the spectacle of two boys dancing together at the prom.
"I'm not really happy about that," said 17-year-old Juan Espinoza. "He should've run for prom king."
No, He shoulda run for the hills and a psychiatrist's office where I come from.
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