> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: George Tiller The Baby Killer Was shot to death at Wichita church

Today's world headlines

Sunday, May 31, 2009

George Tiller The Baby Killer Was shot to death at Wichita church

Kan. abortion doc killed in church; suspect held: "WICHITA, Kan. (AP) - Dr. George Tiller, who remained one of the nation's few providers of late-term abortions despite decades of protests and attacks, was shot and killed Sunday in a church where he was serving as an usher.

The gunman fled, but a 51-year-old suspect was arrested some 170 miles away in suburban Kansas City three hours after the shooting, Wichita Deputy Police Chief Tom Stolz said."
Original posted material follows below

This is sad that anyone would be killed on the grounds of a church or anywhere for that matter, yet no single man has legally killed more human beings than George Tiller, and today his reign as the king of the late term abortionists, hence the nickname "Tiller the Baby Killer" came to a violent end in Wichita Kansas.

A hero to the left his murder will be used as a weapon against Bill O'Reilly and the anti abortion movement as they made his life quite rough over the past few years, yet hardly as rough as he was on tens of thousands of helpless and defenseless fetus's in their short little lives. And as sad a it is to say, his murder will save the lives of thousands and thousands of innocent babies in which he remained ONE OF THE VERY LAST DOCTORS still performing brutal late term murders of fetus's.

Dance with the devil and you pay the piper

Here's an interview with the governor of Kansas done by O'Reilly's show a little while back when Tiller was being dragged through the courts for various legal challenges in her state which she ignorantly claimed to have no knowledge of, (typical useless, and lying politician), and another below with a young woman who went to Tiller's Killing Mill, and now has a lifetime of regret for her act that day no doubt with thousands of other potential mothers who had their own flesh and blood violently killed for whatever their own personal reasons within the walls of Tiller's abortion clinic.

News Updates | Wichita Eagle"WICHITA - George Tiller, the Wichita doctor who became a national lightning rod in the debate over abortion, was shot to death this morning as he walked into church services.

Tiller, 67, was shot just after 10 a.m. at Reformation Lutheran Church at 7601 E. 13th, where he was a member of the congregation. Witnesses and a police source confirmed Tiller was the victim.

No information has been released about whether a suspect is in custody. Police said they are looking for white male who was driving a 1990s powder blue Ford Taurus with Kansas license plate 225 BAB.

Homicide detectives and Sedgwick County District Attorney Nola Foulston arrived at the church after the shooting."

Members of the congregation who were inside the sanctuary at the time of the shooting were being kept inside the church by police, and those arriving were being ushered into the parking lot. Witnesses are being transported downtown for interviews and other members of the congregation are slowly being released from inside the sanctuary.

Tiller has long been a focal point of protest by abortion opponents because his clinic, Women's Health Care Services at 5701 E. Kellogg, is one of the few in the country where late-term abortions are performed.

"We are shocked at this morning's disturbing news that Mr. Tiller was gunned down," anti-abortion group Operation Rescue said in a statement on its Web site. "Operation Rescue has worked for years through peaceful, legal means, and through the proper channels to see him brought to justice. We denounce vigilantism and the cowardly act that took place this morning. We pray for Mr. Tiller's family that they will find comfort and healing that can only be found in Jesus Christ."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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