Even though he supposedly us getting hourly updates, my point is that this numbrod just shook hands with a Mexican who dies from Swine Flu as I wrote in an earlier post, and Obama even though tested when he returned, could still be holding the virus and spreading it to everyone he comes in contact with.
What a Moron is all I can say, as no matter what the test the other day says he should be taking more precautions for a few days and certainly not out golfing while people in America and particularly kids who just tested belatedly postive are dying..
What a Moron is all I can say, as no matter what the test the other day says he should be taking more precautions for a few days and certainly not out golfing while people in America and particularly kids who just tested belatedly postive are dying..
"Ok Mr President, use the sticks to hit the little white ball, got it?"

"Obama stinks at golf, and that's a good thingWell he sure didn't listen to that whiny bitch now did he? as it looks like contrary to the liberal whiners wishes, Obama is choosing to take up that racist old codger, rich country club whitey sport to waste the time away this weekend and others sure to follow, while so many other issues burn hot on his plate of things to do that he always reminds us "were they easy someone else would've done them already".
We don't need our president to be associated with the rich who've ruined us"
But when Bush complained the wacko nutf*&s called him "Whiner In Chief".
An morning and afternoon that certainly won't be ridiculed across the world's front pages and nightly news reports as it was when Bush decided to hit the links for a little relaxation on the weekends..
In fact while Obama takes up golf in the midst of what certainly will be a national crisis by the end of next week, Bush GAVE UP GOLF when the Iraq war was started saying then "Playing golf while wars are going on sends the wrong signals" and he was criticized for that too.
Oh but Obama can go slop and chop away learning a new job and the trappings that go with it like those tough mornings on the golf courses of Washington DC and elsewhere (slugging balls into places golf balls have never seen before on that course I can bet you) during multiple burgeoning crisis', and it's "Happy days are here again" at the Associated Press.....
I'm going to Disneyworld!!

Well Obama did play for 2 weeks in Hawaii a month before the election so he had to wait at least a month or two before starting to look like he's got nothing better to do. He also played at Christmas time as well so again that's really a misleading statement, it's his first as Officially the president but they make it sound like he's been nothing but business. A far cry from the truth.Obama gets in a round of golf on a sunny morning: "ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, Md. – President Barack Obama took advantage of the summer conditions in Washington on Sunday to play a round of golf for the first time since taking office.
Nor will the headlines be filled with the points that Fox news makes this morning, as Obama is out weed wacking around Andrews while American kids are dying of swine flu spreads elsewhere by people who were introduced through our lax southern border, is there is yet to be anyone named as the Secretary Of Health and Human Services a whopping 100 days into the administration.
Just another point that would alone have merited front page non stop coverage were the "minority hating" Bush been "f'ng around" on a golf coarse doing something he never did before becoming president like just a few months ago, as Obama is doing while Rome burns in all corners of the city per se.
One thing for sure is that Obama is certainly not known around Illinois or elsewhere for his penchant for playing golf, which explains why he sucks at it so much. It also seems to show that Obama will be doing lots of things he never did before to escape the Oval Office and the job that he's so obviously overwhelmed by already, and will be more so as the days go by and the crisis' mount under this wayward administration with this inexperienced puppet as it's leader
Look in this guy's face says it all alright....

Current News - FOXNews.com: "WASHINGTON -- With President Obama golfing and without a Secretary at the Department of Health and Human Services, the administration ramped up efforts to find and isolate U.S. cases of swine flu as it issued a public health emergency warning and moved millions of doses of drugs to treat the flu close to the areas of early outbreak.
At a White House briefing occuring while Obama golfed with his Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and Trade Representative Ron Kirk, the Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, announced the nation's top health department would soon announce a national 'public health emergency.' Napolitano said the move was designed to increase preparations to combat and isolate swine flu, not to create public alarm. She said such health emergencies had recently been issued to deal with flooding in Minnesota and North Dakota and for Obama's inaugration.
Ordinarily, such an announcement would have come from the Secretary of Health and Human services. But Obama's nominee, Kathleen Sebelius, awaits Senate confirmation this week.
Napolitano said the government has 50 million doses of Tamiflu and Relenza, the two drugs that can treat the current swine flu virus, on hand and will soon move 25 percent -- or 12.5 million -- to states with confirmed cases of the disease.
Sorry Father, I see no impeachment in the near future. God forbid the moron is playing Golf? Did he ever stop to think that he might catch it, or his wife, or his kids? I mean what makes Obama think he and his family is anymore immune to such things as the rest of us.
ReplyDeleteOh, but he would be wailing and jumping hoops if it came near the White House.
I wish no man ill-not even that jerk, be he freaking makes me sick. When does he work?
Impeachment? I wish!
Hopefully the impeachment will start in 2010 at the latest when Americans who got suckered by Obama and the Dems in 2006 will be kicked to the curb to be prosecuted and executed for the financial tsunami they concocted to get Obama elected so wildly ran out of control into a worldwide crisis.
ReplyDeleteWe may wish him no ill will but there are others out there that undoubtedly do so how they react to this moving forward is anyone's guess.