Now he want's to inflame the mad Muslims more than they already are to appease a small fraction of the American populace and his sugar daddy George Soros who is the obvious puppet master pulling the strings on the majik negro for this stupid move coinciding with the other Bush administration bitch slap which I wrote about in the earlier post this morning.
In fact I started blogging around that time of the abu ghraib pictures so I could post up some photoshops that I used to put up on Free Republic back in the day because I thought the classification of this crap as torture was joke then and still is today, Then I thought it was just to embarrass Bush and as it was and today it's the same difference.
This Obama is definitely more concerned with his popularity around the world than he is about this country and the people who keep it safe or the people who didn't vote for him, so this president of all the people garbage goes out the window with this move again coupled with the other one will ignite a civil war both here and the sandbox jungle in the Middle Ages Middle East...

Obama administration to release Bush-era detainee photos - Los Angeles Times: "Reporting from Washington -- The Obama administration agreed late Thursday to release dozens of photographs depicting alleged abuse by U.S. personnel during the Bush administration of prisoners in Iraq and Afghanistan.
At least 44 pictures will be released on May 28 -- making public for the first time images of what the military investigated as abuse that took place at facilities other than the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq."Defense officials would not say exactly what is contained in the photos, but said they are concerned that the release could incite a backlash in the Middle East.
The photos are apparently not as shocking as the photographs from the Abu Ghraib investigation that became a lasting symbol of U.S. mistakes in Iraq. But some show military service members intimidating or threatening detainees by pointing weapons at them. Military officers have been court-martialed for threatening detainees at gunpoint.
"This will constitute visual proof that, unlike the Bush administration's claim, the abuse was not confined to Abu Ghraib and was not aberrational," said Amrit Singh, a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union, which obtained the agreement as part of a long-running legal battle for documents related to Bush-era anti-terror policies.
The photo release decision comes as President Obama is already trying to quell a drive to investigate Bush-era anti-terror practices. But now the photos and a series of other possible disclosures stemming from the ACLU lawsuit threatens to fuel the already explosive controversy.
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