> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Mexico's Swine Flu Gift To US Perhaps a Terror Attack?

Today's world headlines

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Mexico's Swine Flu Gift To US Perhaps a Terror Attack?

You never know but Michael Savage has a great point today that with these wide open southern borders not being shutdown immediately with this outbreak it could very well be a low tech terror attack of sorts sending sick Mexicans into the US to spread diseases that are for the most part alien to this country and part of the civilized or should I now say once civilized and now third world US.

Now being led by packs of moronic la dee da socialists who have no clue how to protect this country, and with these being the most dangerous times that the dems are ignoring by refusing to admit that Bush's policies were not only8 necessary but effective, then country deserves to be wiped out with the plague if we can't demand our borders be shut down and the illegal population dealt with, Americans will eventually die in large numbers sooner than later whether it be again a national outbreak of some long eradicated third world virus or flat out attack.

And with this head moron running homeland security our nation is in so much danger, how Americans are sleeping well at night is beyond me because I sure the f*&^ aren't and won't rest until a professional is put in this position that Obama is treating like a patronage handout as she acts more like the head of the Red Cross than our security.

photoshop idea from blogger friend Foutsc Nietzsche is Dead
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Links from Drudge Saturday Am
Deadly flu strain threatens Mexico and U.S. | Reuters: "MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican and U.S. health officials searched Saturday for signs an outbreak of a new flu strain is spreading further, after it killed up to 68 people in Mexico and infected eight in the United States.

As Mexico shut schools and museums and axed public events, global health officials stopped short of declaring a pandemic.

But they warned more cases could come to light, making up a major outbreak, as the flu spreads between people and infected some individuals who had no contact with one another.

The World Health Organization said the virus from 12 of the Mexican patients was the same genetically as a new strain of swine flu, designated H1N1, seen in eight people in California and Texas who later recovered.

The Mexican government said the flu had killed 20 people and it may also be responsible for 48 other deaths. In all, 1,004 suspected cases have been reported nationwide."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Most excellent job on Napoleonitano! Great idea on renaming her, too.

    You're an artist, Ray!

  2. Thanks sir It's my job so I had better be good at it...

  3. this is pretty scary, worse than the peanut butter salmonella scares at least

  4. Certainly is since who knows what and where these illegals are doing and for whom, that's what makes the country so vulnerable and yet the politicians seem to respect the non existent rights of illegal aliens more than the safety of their own constituents....


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