> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: "GM, Segway to Make New Vehicle".....After This You'll See Why They're Bankrupt Today..

Today's world headlines

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"GM, Segway to Make New Vehicle".....After This You'll See Why They're Bankrupt Today..

In case you missed the whopper news story of the day, this little brainchild here that is apparently the first joint venture of the new and improved Government motors formerly known as GM who are gonna save the world from global warming and bankruptcy at the same time with this little motorized gem.

A cute battery mobile that should go over well with the liberal loons no doubt, but all I can say to them is stay the hell out of my lane when you strap yourself in to this little death trap because, your day will be a tough one if you pull that thing out in front of me on may way anywhere important..

Drumroll please, we bringith America the new wave of transportation,

the Segway Eggway...Tada !!!

Look at those fine bling bling rims baby......They couldn't sell these shit things when they were one person scooters, now they're gonna repackage a known failed product with a new face, just like we do every four years or so in Washington I guess. So for GM this is change? Looks like the same old shit in a different container to me, just like Obama.

GM, Segway to Make Vehicle - WSJ.com:

General Motors Corp. is teaming with Segway Inc., maker of the upright, self-balancing scooters, to build a new type of two-wheeled vehicle designed to move easily through congested urban streets.

The machine, which GM says it aims to develop by 2012, would run on batteries and use wireless technology to avoid traffic backups and navigate cities.

"The struggling auto maker, surviving on a government lifeline, is looking to generate enthusiasm for its increasingly uncertain future ahead of the New York auto show this week.

GM has slashed product-development programs, advertising and spending on auto-show events. But it will take to the streets of Manhattan on Tuesday to show off a prototype of the vehicle, called PUMA, for Personal Urban Mobility and Accessibility.

The Segway Personal Transporter was launched with considerable hype eight years ago but practical issues prevented the scooter from becoming a mass-market product, including its relatively high cost and restrictions on its use in many jurisdictions.

GM is betting PUMA's more car-like traits -- an enclosed compartment and top speed of 35 miles per hour -- will lead to better results. GM didn't say how much the machines would cost, but research chief Larry Burns said owners would spend one-third to one-fourth of the cost of a traditional vehicle.

PUMA would have a range of about 35 miles. GM said it aims to use so-called vehicle-to-vehicle technology to avoid traffic problems and potentially have it navigate itself through city streets."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. That looks like it would be fun to crush with my mountain bike during a jump.

  2. What kills me are the little wheelie bars it has in the front and back (3 feet apart basically)

  3. Oh my God, is that supposed to be for real? It does look like something the tree huggers would foist on the people of the world.

  4. Woulda made a better April Fool's joke Rev, one of those gets in my way it's liberal toast

  5. I live in Michigan, and it is sadder than sad.... I will tell you though, the union (workers, not the big guys) are not happy with Wagoner gone, white house interference, and bankrupty. Maybe they will catch on. On another note: I have not heard word one from Ron Gettlefinger of the UAW on all this. Considering he always opens his mouth, it is suspect. I too thought this was a joke at first, sad to say it is correct.

  6. Oh I know it's for real and that's why they are bankrupt of ideas just like the democrats.

    That's why they love this financial tsunami smokescreen and the country full of morons who keep buying their this is all Bush's fault BS Sharon...It's a sad state of affairs to say the least...

    Ron Gettlefinger is tied up in some back room like Hoffa was when the put him away, and then when he came back they said you play our way or it's the highway Jimmy. jimmy took the highway to nowhere..

    So this guy is staying out of the headlines so the marriage between UAW and The Dems doesn't look so obvious//

  7. I can just see Barney Franks getting his fat ass stuck in one of these things and needing a "jaws of life" to get him out!!

  8. Actually AA Bendover Barney uses the jaws of life for another reason around his happy and gay homostead, to pleasure himself....


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