> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Crazy Jury awards $1 to America hating, Fake Cherokee Ward Churchill While Finding He Was "Wrongly Fired"

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Friday, April 3, 2009

Crazy Jury awards $1 to America hating, Fake Cherokee Ward Churchill While Finding He Was "Wrongly Fired"

Looks like it's open season for America haters as this mostly lowlife worn out retread from the sixties who famously proclaimed that the victims of 9-11 deserved what they got that morning managed to scrape up 7 Coloradoan's to agree with him I guess as he was awarded a whopping $1 since they were so sure of his wrongful termination. Just look at this guy, he looks more like the Unabomber than a professor, who was also by the way a left wing radical nut Math teacher and professor.

Maybe Churchill can fill his job in the woods of Colorado in a re built replica of old Ted Kaczynski's Shack since he's now safely locked away ironically in a Colorado prison, however the shack isn't for rent since it's presently at the Newseum in DC..so he'd have to work for a change to build his own...

So, looks like it's back to the drawing board on this disgrace, who like yet another left wing radical professor are both gallivanting around the country as some kind of folk hero's to this misguided and twisted students who admire bums like Churchill and William Ayers who we just managed to stop from poisoning young high school minds here at Naperville North High which I proudly had a hand in.

A man who we must remember is presently under investigation for murder while partaking in domestic terrorism as a member of the Weatherman underground in the 60's

What a crop we have in these institutions of supposed higher learning today, and if this is the best they can do for teachers it's no wonder the country is turning out mindless idiots who just elected a communist Muslim that falsely wrapped himself in Christian swaddling clothing for a couple years and played these so called thinkers like worn out fiddle.

Jury awards $1 to professor fired for 9/11-Nazi essay

- CNN.com: "DENVER, Colorado (CNN) But the jury, which deliberated for a day and a half after a trial that began March 9, awarded Churchill only $1, the minimum they could award while still finding in Churchill's favor, according to Robert McCallum, pubic information officer for Colorado's 2nd Judicial District Court.

While an ethnic studies professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Churchill came under national scrutiny for a 2002 essay entitled, "Some People Push Back: On the Justice of Roosting Chickens," which criticized U.S. foreign policy.

In a reference to Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann, the Gestapo officer who was one of the chief architects of the Holocaust, Churchill referred to victims of the World Trade Center attacks "little Eichmanns." Churchill argued the victims were "a technocratic corps at the very heart of America's global financial empire."

Churchill's essay drew little notice until an 1,800-student college in upstate New York invited him to take part in a 2005 forum on prisons and Native American rights.

The invitation was rescinded after criticism from then-New York Gov. George Pataki, then-Colorado Gov. Bill Owens and hundreds of relatives of those killed in the attacks created a media firestorm. Churchill was fired in 2007.

Churchill argued during the trial that he was fired from his tenured position for expressing politically unpopular, but constitutionally protected, views.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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