> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Big Red O Without His 'Prompter at G20, You Be The Judge

Today's world headlines

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Big Red O Without His 'Prompter at G20, You Be The Judge

This was a tough one as Obama spent about 70% of the time stumbling along getting dizzy looking up and down at his entirely pre prepared script. I wonder if this gem will be added to the Queens "Snoop Dogg Obama's greatest Hits Collection" she got shoved at her yesterday,

I don't know about you folks buy nothing shakes my tree like a pre loaded IPOD with someone else's rehearsed speeches loaded on it.

Part Two Of Prompter-less Obama for 37 minutes of reporter softballs answered with many uh .."well, um, well um....."'s Over 35 um's in his first answer of a minute question bumbled along for 3:30 minutes. that an "UM" every UM Ten Um seconds..........

He coulda saved everyone a lot of time by simply asking everyone to join hands and sing a few verses of "We Are The World" Followed by that age old campfire child molester favorite now known as "Kum Bah Rak"


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Ugh, I tortured myself and made it through about the first nine minutes, then I just couldn't take another "uuuhhhh..." or my freaking head was going to explode. There is NO way in hell this guy is a lawyer. I've met and worked with thousands of attorneys in the last twenty years and I have never seen one that talks (and thinks) this damned slowly! The guy is a freaking moron!

    Hey, you know how some parents charge their kids every time they say a bad word? I have a way we can get that deficit taken care of in about a year - let's charge Barry a dollar every time he says "uuuhhh..."!


  2. Jersey, it is brutal to listen to him prompterless, brutal. He doesn't even make sense without the thing and that's the truth, that first comment didn't make a whip of sense....

    He's a total fraud and I wish we could convince these damn liberals they made a mistake and get on to fixing it before this country is lost. I really hate to say what I wish would happen already to this guy but I don't feel bad thinking it or feeling it....

  3. You don't have t say it Ray, I know. I say it multiple times each and every day, and I also say that I don't feel bad about saying it. Millions of people would be a lot better off and I'd like to see it happen before our country gets totally destroyed by this evildoer (to use one of GWB's words). I honestly believe he hates America as it is and wants to bring us down. He doesn't want us to be a great superpower, but rather just part of a "global" community. He really is the Manchurian candidate, the Muslim who isn't even a citizen, who was sent here to destroy us. There, I said it, I don't care who calls me crazy.


  4. You're not crazy and his accidental but reflexive bow to the King Muslim was not meant for the camera's and

    I'm convinced he's a Muslim plant assured some type of life in paradise once he weakens the Great Satan enough to be roadkill for the already started Muslim invasion.

    We're bith on the ball here and I'd bet my life on it Jersey and that's no bullshit..

  5. Oh, I guess you got hit with liberal moron comments since I see that you've turned on the moderation.

    I can tell you one thing that's working out pretty good at our blog - we turned moderation on, but only for posts older than 7 days. That worked out great - it got rid of a lot of libs who would Google something, find an older post and leave nasty comments. Some still try to leave comments, but we don't publish them. It works out fine, because most of our regular readers and commenters post their comments on posts within the first few days.

    Also, we only take comments from people with Google accounts, since we found that almost all of the comments were from peole with Google accounts anyway. So far, we've only had a few idiots libs who actually bothered to create a Google account just so they could post a comment.

  6. I haven't tried that google option and I wanna fight back with these people but I just dont have the time and a 150 commenters to run these morons into the hills.

    I truthfully like haloscan and intense debate for that very reason along with the ability to post little videos in the JS Kit version of Haloscan and I cant make up my mind because I only get so many comments anyways yet I get 5 - 600 hits a day, so I don't know,

    and I'll try your advice,thanks Jersey ;>)


Some rules: No leftwing attacks nor Obama supporters so don't waste you're time & especially mine. All 99% others welcome to have your say.

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