He's paid by our public funds just like the corporate execs that he and congress think should be limited to what they earn while on the public dole, so in their case what's good for the goose should be good for the gander no? I guess not when it's the man and woman in the mirror who is the Gander in question now is it?
Since Obama is the champion of fairness and felt it fair to smackdown salary caps on bailout execs, I think it's only fair that he works for a salary of $1 like some of the car executives are doing until the country and their businesses are all solvent again right?
Sounds fair to me El Presidento Il Duce' or should I say Il Douche'?

The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency:
"The White House has released tax returns filed by the Obamas and Bidens.
The Obamas reported an adjusted gross income of $2,656,902. 'The vast majority of the family's 2008 income is the proceeds from the sale of the president's books,' the White House said.
The Obamas paid $855,323 in federal income taxes -- about 32% of their adjusted gross income. They donated $172,050, about 6.5% of their adjusted gross income, to 37 charities. The largest reported gifts were $25,000 contributions to Catholic Relief Services and the United Negro College Fund." continued
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