> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Yet Another Woman Returns To Her Abusive & Battering Partner For More Fun

Today's world headlines

Monday, March 2, 2009

Yet Another Woman Returns To Her Abusive & Battering Partner For More Fun

I hate rap music and the entire culture that surrounds it but this story was different as most are aware this woman and her "love interest" missed the Grammy awards, not some family get together but the biggest night in their lives because this sack of crud beat the snot out of the "woman he loves" yea right.

This phenomenon used to be attributed to the woman usually having nowhere else to go a generation ago, as society was not always a friendly place for females looking for work, and or women who married their true loves in order to have children and start a normal family, who were therefore absent from the workforce while most being devoted wives and mothers.

Women who relied entirely on their husbands or boyfriends to support her and their children and we're sadly forced to endure this despicable behavior if it occurred for fear of leaving with no degree's or job skills to speak of and what would happen to to they and their children without that all important financial support.

So here it is 2009 and a millionaire singer or whatever you wish to call her is beaten bloody by her supposed boyfriend and just as I predicted here the night it happened, here she is going back to that walking and talking millionaire lowlife rapper who did this to her, and likely before this occurred.

SO what exactly is this woman's excuse for going back to that half a man Chris Brown who would do this to her or any woman for any reason whatsoever?... and "she's in love" just doesn't cut it.

As you can see from this pathetic Hollywood media story likely crafted by these people's paid publicists, they write as if he got caught looking at another woman's ass as she sauntered by the two one day, not what really occurred, the fact that he could've pulled a complete OJ and killed her.

Maybe he's saving that for an encore. And if it sadly happens, she asked him for it by going back to him so do cry for me Argentina when it happens again/Can anyone say Bobby Brown ? I knew you could.

Rihanna and Chris Brown Hunker Down to Work Through Issues

: "Rihanna and Chris Brown are 'definitely together' and focusing on a reconciliation, a source tells PEOPLE.

The pair, who are currently spending time together at Sean 'Diddy' Combs's house on Miami Beach's Star Island, are staying indoors as they hash things out.

'They are definitely together and care a great deal about each other,' says a Miami source. 'They feel like staying in and working through their issues. So far they have not wanted to go out.'

Brown, however, did venture out earlier on his own. On Thursday he hit the water to Jet Ski with pals.

Rihanna and Brown's reconciliation comes nearly three weeks after Brown, 19, allegedly battered the 'Umbrella' singer on Feb. 8."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

1 comment:

  1. we feel lost! we think its not that bad! He'll change! No body cares! google me Iwant to help you! jodie lilly


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