> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: "Touchy, Feely" School Policy Treats Victim Like The Perp, So Victim Takes Matters Into His Own Hands

Today's world headlines

Friday, March 13, 2009

"Touchy, Feely" School Policy Treats Victim Like The Perp, So Victim Takes Matters Into His Own Hands

Look at this story below and you'll find a young man so obviously exasperated by being bullied at Dusable Leadership Academy, a somewhat problematic Chicago inner city charter school, because instead of the school simply booting the bully for whatever problems he causes the normally more passive student, they haul in him, (the supposed victim) and his father into the school for some liberal, touchy feely "conflict resolution" garbage that turns the victim into the perceived problem child.

How backwards is this idea?

So at this little Feelgood powwow the poor victim is probably catching hell from his father for he having to come down to school and have some liberal know it all counselor suggesting to the two the finer points of conflict resolution. Like I said some liberal gobbledygook until both their ears are bleeding from the misery, which obviously ends up driving the poor victim right out into the hallway were said bully happens to be slithering around with probably his 2 mothers or gay partnered "fathers" and attacks the deserving punk with a pair of scissors, sending him to the hospital.

This country is so whacked out with PC and melting pot crap today, forcing people into being with people they don't want to be around with this Kum Bah Ya garbage, a time where nobody's feelings can be offended, and silly social engineering crap going on all around us that hasn't worked in thousands of years that all of a sudden is somehow gonna defy all odds and work this one little sliver in time.

So now the poor victim has become the offender, and the bully is the one that everyone feels sorry who will get some kind of ass backward payoff of some sort.

It reminds me completely of how Obama feels today that he's the only person is the history of mankind who will smooth talk the radical Muslims into singing hand in hand with we Christians and Jews (whom they hate more than death itself, and proclaim as much every chance they get) right in the center of Mecca doing a multicultural wet dream version of "We Are The World."

Gimme a break. The bully is the problem, so deal with him exclusively and leave the poor victim out of it/
High school student in 'conflict resolution' session stabs his bully :

: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime: "A 16-year-old charter high school student allegedly struck out against a classmate who had been bullying him Wednesday by stabbing the youth with a scissors in a school hallway.

The two boys were 16-year-old sophomores at the DuSable Leadership Academy of Betty Shabazz International Charter, housed within DuSable at 4934 S. Wabash.

'It was scary,' said one student, Jonathan Sims.

Chicago Public Schools officials said the stabbing happened during a 'conflict resolution' session -- in which the perpetrator and his father had come to meet with the dean of academics over how to address threats from the alleged bully.

CPS officials said the father and son had been meeting with school officials on the issue just before 9 a.m., when the son left the dean's office and encountered the alleged bully in the hallway.

The alleged perpetrator reportedly ran back into the office and grabbed a scissors from the dean's desk before the stabbing, officials said.
The youth was in serious condition Wednesday."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Boy stabbed in conflict resolution session: That says much about the utter stupidity of liberal ideas.

    Just like the multi-trillion dollar war on poverty. Last time I checked, poverty was still there.

  2. you said it brother and this stupid shit has cost so many children their lives and adults as well.

    The gun ban in Chicago is nothing but a boon to the gangbangers as now only they and the police are armed in the city.

    that is unless I'm there for something or another.


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