> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Sears Tower No More. It's now the "Whatchu Talkin' Bout " WILLIS" Tower

Today's world headlines

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sears Tower No More. It's now the "Whatchu Talkin' Bout " WILLIS" Tower

That is correct, as the Sears name now comes off the famous once highest skyscraper in the world, now the 7th tallest but still the tallest in the US thanks of coarse to the Muslim attack on 911 removing the WTC 1 and 2 from the face of the earth.

A place which 8 years later is basically still a hole in the ground or a monument to Muslim terrorists as well as a painful memory for MOST Americans minus the obvious groups.,

Sears Tower to be renamed Willis Tower

CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Business: "The 110-story Chicago giant, the nation's tallest building, will be renamed Willis Tower under a leasing deal. The New York-based owners signed a lease with Willis Group Holdings, a London-based insurance broker, for 140,000 square feet.

Willis said it will consolidate five Chicago-area offices and move 500 employees into the tower. The company said it is paying $14.50 per square foot in rent and that the naming rights come with no additional cost.

The relocation is expected to be done by late summer.

'Having our name associated with Chicago's most iconic structure underscores our commitment to this great city, and recognizes Chicago's importance as a major financial hub and international business center,' said Joseph Plumeri, chairman of Willis Group Holdings.

Sears Tower opened in 1973 as the corporate headquarters for Sears Roebuck & Co., but the company left for Hoffman Estates in 1992. Its rights to the name on the tower expired a few years ago.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. That is just not right. Next we will be changing the name of America

  2. Just doesn't seem right... My wife worked for Sears in Line Haul here in Dallas for 24 years...

    Just doesn't seem right...

  3. They moved out to the suburbs in Hoffman Estates a while ago a friggin Lymie British Holding company is taking over a good chunk of the lease there and they're called the Willis company.

    People here aren't happy about it either, London company coming in and taking the name of the US tallest skyscraper...nothing is sacred anymore men.......


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